Love keeps no record of wrongs so don't fear God.

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As a God-follower, I don’t fear God, but honor God because of the wonder and sacredness of each moment. Fearing God lacks an understanding of who God is. In Paul’s letter to Timothy he reminds him that God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear. The bible also tells us that God is Love. Love, according to the bible, casts out fear. Furthermore, Paul tells us in I Corinthians that love doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. If “love” (God) doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, why fear him? It’s because we are conditioned from childhood to believe that fearing God will keep us in check and will somehow limit our proclivities to the flesh. How’s that working for you? It doesn’t work, does it? You’re going to do what you want to do whether you fear God or not. Love on the other hand, according to Paul, restrains him. Love restrains? Love’s power, when applied, will guide us to goodness instead of evil. Love is the means to virtuous living. Typically we have this old image of God that can’t wait for us to step out of line and BAM he’s got you. Kind of like an old grumpy father who can’t wait to beat his child, knowing his child is going to make mistakes because that is what young children do, and I might add, older children (adults) do also. Parents should be an expression of unconditional love for their children and in doing so their behavior will mirror their parents. This image of God is outdated and should be discarded. It’s an oddity to God’s nature. God is love and absolutely loves everyone! Jeremiah suggested that God knew us before we were formed. Your hiccups and mistakes in life don’t surprise God, but are growing pains in your human/spiritual development. Don’t fear God, but love God! God is Love!! -obr

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