Part 6

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Chapter 6

My crush had not passed. Quite the opposite. Since Hugo and I talked, it rather grew strong. Now I knew my love was unrequited, Hugo became even more desirable. I naively thought I could wait 5 years and things will change. If not 5 then 10 years. And it did not seem like a long time for me at all. Some day Hugo will see how right we are for each other. In the meantime all I could do be a friend and help Hugo with Sofia's birthday party. 

"What do you think, sweetheart?" Sofia twirled in front of me in the shiniest dress I have ever seen or rather been blinded by. 

"Neat, is not it?" We chose the dress together, but the website did not do it justice on the sparkle effect.

"Sofia, you look stunning!"

"My darling, I agree!" She laughed and tugged my cheek lovingly.

"I hope you enjoy the party. I know how much you helped. I really appreciate it and I love you very much!"

"I love you, too, Sofia."

She twirled away in a star dust halo.

I looked around. I was proud of what we pulled off. Sophia deserved all this hype and attention. But I could not forgive us for the strict black tie dress code. It was so hot outside, the aircon units in the marquee did not cope. Almost hundred guests were melting onto the dance floor.

I pushed through the cloud of perfumed sweat and docked in the furthest corner. I undid my bow tie and the first two buttons of my shirt. I could finally breathe. I considered taking off the jacket but my armpits were soaked so I left it on. It did not stop many other guests though. I scanned the crowd to ensure everyone was having a good time and no one felt left out. That's when I noticed Caleb. I did not recognise him straight away. It has been almost 2 years or more since we last saw each other, but I had no doubt it was him. He was sitting next to the gift table by himself, relaxed, sipping "adult" champagne, casually observing the dance floor. Caleb was always good looking. But in his later teens he seemed to grow more into his looks. He was strong and mature. There was nothing left from that spoilt child who used to rough me up. He was wearing a tux as well which made him look even older than he really was. It suited him. Unlike me he was still put together and dry. Heat must be a natural habitat for devil servants.

I had been watching Caleb for so long that eventually he noticed me too. He finished his champagne, stood up and headed directly to me. I was very unsure about the protocol with the childhood nemesis. But Caleb passed me without saying anything. Maybe he did not recognise me. Maybe he did not care. Maybe he was simply arrogant. I went to find Hugo, who handled the guest list. Hugo would know why my classmate from hell was here. I found both of them outside, talking to each other.

My shoulders sank. 

"Nic, come here". Hugo said when he noticed my face. 

A thin hedge was in my way but instead of walking around it I pushed myself through it. It was a bad idea. Tiny branches and thorns gladly caught onto the tux fabric. When I finally stood next to them, I looked like a used mop.

"This is Caleb. Nic", Hugo introduced us.

Caleb took my hand in his. His hand was also dry.

"Nice to meet you",  Caleb said.

"Caleb goes to your old school". Hugo seemed amused by this fact. "I had no idea".

I was watching Caleb's reactions like a hawk. He behaved as if he honestly met me for the first time.

"I bet you have common friends, weird teachers to talk about".

Hugo was making an excuse to leave us.

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