Part 10

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"Your house does not look very solid for the storm,'' Caleb said.

"This house is older than our town". I snapped back. "It survived multiple storms".


Caleb was too tired to argue. We got in through the back door, leaving a chain of dirty footprints.

"Is your mom in?"

"Lisa is out". 

Caleb looked relieved.

"She is in Arizona or Alaska". I added.

It was stupid of me to tell Caleb that Lisa was away in case he told social services. But for some reason I wanted him to know that the woman he hated was not there.

"You live alone?"

"Yes. I am going to put my clothes into the washing machine", I said trying to change the subject. "do you want to add yours?"

Caleb took off the wet and dirty trousers, socks and shirt and threw them into the washing machine. We stayed in our boxers. I did not expect a half naked Caleb in my house. I have seen him topless before at the football practice, when he was changing a t-shirt, or flashing his six-pack at the audience for giggles, but I had never seen him in boxers only. He was grown up, strong. It took an effort not to check him out. I leaned against the sink away from him, rubbing the dirt off the shoe soles with more attention than it was required. Caleb, on the other hand, quite happily stood there watching me.

"I'm going to take a shower", I said without lifting my eyes. "I will get you a few things and a towel if you want to take a shower too."

I felt I was in a weird state of mind - the loss, the mourning, the long journey home and the storm outside, made Caleb look like a friend. I should not be fooled, I reminded myself. It is the convenience, the longing for consolency that makes him slightly appealing. Also, I reminded myself, Caleb is related to Hugo, maybe that makes things confusing.

My warm demeanour went away as soon as I exited the shower. I saw Caleb unceremoniously browsing through my pads.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You were in there forever. I was bored".

I came up to take the pad out of his hands. But he did not let me.

"This is full of Hugo portraits. This whole pad is about Hugo!"


"You are a good artist and a good bullshiter..."it is not like that", he acted out my intonation.

"Give it to me"

"Come and take it".

I stepped towards him and with a sudden move, with all the strength I had, I pinned Caleb against the wall. I held him by the shoulders, pressing myself against his chest to keep him immobile. I was strong, but Caleb managed to push me back. My feet were still wet from the shower. It was my turn to fall. I hit my arm on the sharp chair edge and blood streamed out through the cut.

"Yes. I loved him." I admitted, holding onto the arm. "He knew. He did not love me back. Happy?"

Caleb ignored my outburst.

"Where is the first aid kit?"

"In the bathroom"

He brought out the kit, squatted next to me, took my arm in his hand and started to carefully mend it. It stung but I did not resist. 

"He would love you if he could." he said giving me my arm back with a small white strip attached to it.

"You must be hungry. We have not really eaten today." He added and disappeared into the kitchen.

Listening to Caleb raid the downstairs cupboards distracted me from a loop of unsettling thoughts. "He won't find much", I mumbled to myself, wrapped my shivering body into a rug and came downstairs as well.

Caleb was cooking pasta and some questionable source, in his boxers, bare feet in my kitchen.

"Dig in" he said, serving a bowl of quite unappetisingly looking mix.

"I am not hungry". I said.

"You need to eat Nic, please".

I reluctantly drilled my fork into pasta. Caleb was watching me making sure I will commit to it. Surprisingly, it tasted good. Caleb made a nice meal with barely any ingredients. Or I was really hungry after all.

He smiled watching me clean the last bit on the plate. I unwillingly thought he had a nice smile.

"It was funny when you superglued my flip flops to the floor in the lockers". He said remembering my prank from a while ago.

I was glad he picked a topic not related to Hugo.

"In my defence I did it as a payback for the "Harry Potter Day". I said "Thanks to you, I came to school dressed as Dumbeldore."

He laughed.

"I was surprised it did not seem suspicious to you at all, that the school posted an actual costume".

"I had flu, I was miserable. I would buy anything."

"See, I was trying to cheer you up."

"Right. Trying to cheer yourself up at my expense".

"I remember everyone's face when you showed up with a beard, in a hat. And said so confidently Happy Harry Potter Day. Priceless". Caleb laughed again.

I smiled as well. In hindsight it was funny.

"So what are you going to do after school?" He asked.

"I don't know. As long as I no longer live here I will be fine.".

"My dad wants me to be a doctor".

"You did a good job treating my cut". I lifted my arm for proof.

Caleb grinned.

"I do not know what I want to do. I would like to take a year off to travel before studies but my dad won't let me".

"I thought you could do whatever you want. You are Caleb"

"Have you met my dad?"

"I think if you don't know what you want to do, doctor is a good degree, and you can travel after".

"Most people say, don't listen to your parents, do what YOU want to do".

"Only talented and genius people have the luxury of doing so".

"Perhaps. Are you the talented or the genius one then?"

"I am the poor one". I looked at the clock. "I will put you in mom's room". I said. "It's the warmest in the house".

"Can I sleep in your room?" He asked.

I was not ready for this question.


"It is proper storm outside. I think we should stick together."

I pretended to be asleep when Caleb came from the shower. He quietly slipped under the blanket, tucked himself in and switched off. I listened to his soft breathing. I realised I was glad that I was not alone after the funeral, even if it was Caleb. He could be easy company when he wanted to. It felt nice and safe. I did not notice when I fell asleep myself. It poured all night, but the morning was clear. By the time I woke up Caleb and his car were gone. There was no note.

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