Part 9

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I don't know how much time passed. I felt slight tapping on my cheek. Caleb's face was hanging over me.

"You ok? I think you passed out."

I sat up. Caleb put his hands around my shoulders to help me keep the balance.

"Do you want some water?" He asked. I negatively shook my head.

"I will go get some water". 

He walked to his car and brought me a bottle of avian.


I drank. 

"But he is such a good driver". I managed out. Was this really happening? It was too early for people I love to start dying.

Caleb squeezed my shoulders to make sure I was listening.

"The funeral is tomorrow. The family would love if you come".

I think I nodded.

"Why didn't they call me?"

"They thought it is better if I tell you in person".

"Can you take me?" I did not care it was Caleb I had to ask.

"I don't think I will have any space in the car". He replied.

"My mom will not come, if you are worried about her".

He bit his lip .

"All right then. I need to pick up a few things. I will come back for you".

When Caleb left I spent another hour or so on the porch. It started to dribble again but I just could not move. I finally found the strength to get up and go inside. I washed off the makeup from the shoot, changed my clothes, packed my backpack in some absentminded mode and lay on the sofa waiting for Caleb.

It was very late when he came back.

"Sorry", he apologised. "It took longer than I thought. You know they cancelled all the flights because of the weather. My dad is stuck. And I had to pick up the flowers".

His car was packed with black Cala lilies. It was sadly beautiful.

"So...Where is Lisa?" He asked.

"She is out".

I did not have the strength to explain more. Neither Caleb nor I said another word the rest of the trip. Caleb drove slowly.

We arrived early morning. Cremation was scheduled for noon.

"Mario, what are we going to do without him?" I grabbed Mario's jacket like it was a raft and I was drowning. 

"Stop this. I do not want Sophia to see you like this." He said. 

I let go of his jacket. 

"Come through".

The house was overcrowded. The last time there was such a big gathering was for Sofia's birthday party. I almost broke down again, but feeling Mario behind me helped me cope. I managed to keep it in.

I saw George. He looked busy. Hugo's passing would have shook him as much as me. He did not let himself stop and think about it though. He asked how Lisa was. I told the truth. Not so that he feels bad about it, but to reassure him he made the right decision. He smiled with the saddest smile I have ever seen on him.

"You all will meet in heaven." One of the neighbours was telling Sophia, who I barely recognised. She was not lively, not vibrant. I was looking at an old, faded woman. How much she changed. She was still very well put together but it was different, bleak.

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