Part 8

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Most people in town knew my mom was bad news and were very understanding when I asked for occasional work. I got a part-time job as a cleaner at the undertakers' office. It was quiet, out of sight, perfect.

Lisa was on a road trip with some man from Arizona by that time. I refused to go. I think she was glad I did. Our relationship was strained, if that's the right term after ignoring each other for so many years. She fucked it up with George and I kept telling her that she did. I was hard on her.

I told her I had no doubt she would come back a junkie from the trip. This guy's van smelled like meth. I told her I hoped she would not come back at all.

I started very early at the office. I did all my tasks during the first hour and a half and spent the rest of the time doing my homework. I left just before the full-time staff would show up.

I was engrossed in my assignment when I heard sweet feminine humming.

I raised my eyes. A petite fair skinned female with long black hair was browsing around the room. She had big dark eyes, long eyelashes, drowning in orange mascara and a plump red mouth. She startled me. I did not expect anyone to be in the office that early.

"You are staring at me like a man would stare at a yeti". She squinted her small freckled nose full of piercing.

"Sorry, Hi". I replied

"Who are you?" She looked me up and down.

"Nic, the cleaner".

She looked at the book in my hands.

"Lo, the owner's daughter".

I did not remember ever seeing her before. I stood up.

"I am just having a break". I mumbled.

"Relax". She smiled with a gap in her front teeth. "I heard you are very good".

"Can I make you a cup of coffee?" I asked

"Nah. I came here to borrow some makeup".

I probably looked confused as she followed up with an explanation.

"I am shooting a music video this Friday...for Stinky Slippers. Have you heard of them?"

"No. Not really".

"Where have you been? You should check them out".

She winked at me and opened one of the draws.

"My mom said I could borrow some colours from here to create vampires and zombies looks".

"The palettes are in this desk". I said

"Thank you". She opened the desk "This makeup is used to make dead people look alive, and I am going to use it to make alive people look, ha?"

She looked me over again.

"Hey, what are you doing next Friday?"

"Not much".

That was true. Besides studies and work, I hardly did anything. I even neglected my art. I was worried what might appear on a canvas if I started.

"Do you want to be my assistant? I pay no money but you will get free lunch".


We agreed for Lo to pick me up around 4 am. I was already outside waiting for her. The porch was wet. It has been raining all night. I thought she would cancel the shoot. But she did not. She killed the engine and walked out of the car.

"Have not seen a lot of these here". She was talking about the house. "Amazing...Is it from the Victorian era or something?"

"I think so. We inherited it".

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