Part 13

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Revision for the exams took a lot of my time. I was glad it did. I spent a month hiding in the town library, trying hard to avoid everyone. Especially Caleb. I did not know how to face him after my horrible confession. I am sure he hated me to the Moon and back. I hated myself for what I did. Luckily my classmates don't know libraries still exist.

But exams were over. The school was over. We were unlikely to bump into each other.

I rode to the local shop to buy some food, planning to have another quiet evening to myself, to think of my future or lack of it. But before I could walk into the shop I saw a rowdy group of my classmates. They were all dressed up. It must have been the prom night, the date I completely erased from my mind.

"Nic!" they shouted very excited.

"Hi". I said trying to pass them.

"Have not seen you for a while! Where are you going?" Paul asked. I barely knew Paul, but he greeted me like he was my best friend.

Must be the magic powers of Lo's video, I remembered and said:

"Enjoy your prom"

"Don't be like that!" Paul smiled like a cunning crocodile. 

"Sorry, really busy".

Paul unceremoniously blocked the entrance into the shop with his square body.

"You are going as well" he said and wrapped his arm around my neck.

Before I could protest two other guys came from behind and lifted me up like I weighed nothing. They shoved me into the back of the car.

"You are going!"

Tao, usually the quiet kid, pulled the backpack off my shoulders and loaded it with alcohol.

"Nobody will think to check you". He explained.

"Guys, I am not going.'' 

"You are". They were laughing at my protests.

Peter, who was now behind the wheel, winked at me in the rear view mirror.

"Relax, it will be the night to remember, Johnson!"

I sighed. "That's what I was trying to avoid."

However, instead of going to the school, we arrived at Barbara Gallagher's Farm. Barbara was an intimidating ancient lady, who smelled liked she never had baths, whose hair was always knotted, but more importantly who walked with a gun and hated people. 

The guys turned on torches once inside the barn. I had a feeling this was planned.

"What are we doing here?" I was nervous about trespassing on Barbara's property.

"Haven't you heard? There is a challenge." Paul said. "Whoever gets the bell from Mr. Monk, wins the Crown".

Mr. Monk was a big black bull. A very big black bull. It was as scary as his owner. 

"I thought the prom queen and the king were voted for", I noted.

"Not that crown. The alternative one. Have not you seen it on the group chat?"

Everyone pointed their torches at me.

"No, I never joined the chat", I said protecting my eyes from the bright light.

"I can't decide if you are too cool, or too lame". Paul sighed. "The alternative crown is for the party after the prom, makes you the keeper of punch and condoms. People have to ask you for permission to drink and make out." 

"How exciting". I said sarcastically.

"Look who is here!" Tao redirected his torch onto the figures in the dark. Caleb and his squad got caught in the spot light. They arrived first and have been trying various distraction techniques but Mr. Monk was not buying it. 

"Nic, I did not know you are on the challenge", Caleb briefly glanced at me. We had not spoken since the party. He was in a tux looking handsome and ridiculous at the same time in this old cattleshed.

"I am not. I was kidnapped,"' I replied, glad that he was at least talking to me. 

"Any ideas?" Caleb asked me about the bell.

"Leave it alone?"

He smiled.

"Quiet". Peter interrupted Peter "Do you hear?"

"I hear nothing" Tony said. He was in Caleb's team.

"Wait here"

Peter went to check behind the main door and disappeared for a couple of minutes. Then there were hectic steps. We heard shouting. It was Barbara Gallagher, the owner. She was pissed.

"It is the crazy old lady!" Tony screamed. "Run!"

"How crazy is she exactly?" Someone asked.

"If you hang around long enough, you will find out". Tao shouted back.

The guys pulled themselves up and squeezed through the barn window. Caleb and I were the last two standing, but before we could move I saw a barrel directed at me.

"Got you, son of a bitch!"

I lifted my hands up instinctively. My whole body froze. Caleb rushed with an explanation.

"Barbara, it is me! Caleb Matthews. My dad.."

"Shut up!"

She snapped at him and moved the barrel onto him. When you have a gun you do not need to be polite.

"You think you can mess with me?"

"It was a stupid idea...."

"Shut up!" She barked again. "Sons of bitches".

She waved a gun towards the furthest section of the barn with empty horse stalls.

"Move!" She shouted.

Caleb and I moved cautiously. I could feel the sweat running down my neck. We stopped near the stall gate.

"Keep going!" Barbara encouraged us with the gun. Caleb and I entered the cubicle.

"I will decide what to do with you two sons of bitches in the morning". She hissed. We heard a padlock shackle go through the hasp and click. We were trapped.

"Barbara, we can't stay here till morning", Caleb angrily banged on the door. "I will tell my dad".

"Go ahead, you, little piece of shit".

Barbara knew Caleb's dad and called the bluff.

"Please, Barbara. It is a prom night! It was a stupid prank. Let us out!" Caleb tried to reason with her, but Barbara was not touched.

"We will clean up after Mr. Monk for a month, if you let us out".

"I won't". I disagreed. Caleb elbowed me.

"Are you crazy?"

"I don't care about the prom. I'd rather stay locked up here than clean after Mr. Monk."

"Barbara, I will clean up after it". Caleb was desperate.

Barbara was not interested.  She turned around and left.

"Barbara?" Caleb appealed, but she could not hear him anymore.

"She is not going to keep us till morning, is she?" He asked me. "That's illegal, right?"

"I don't think she cares." I replied.

"I am so stupid! I should have offered her money! Barbara?" He screamed one last time.

"I think she would not have taken it". I tried to calm him down. I did not want angry Barbara to return.

"Damn it, I left my phone in the car. Do you have a phone?"

"My battery is dead. Your friends will come back for us. We just need to wait."

"I doubt it. Barbara will be expecting  them."

"I guess we are stuck then" I summarised the situation. 

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