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"Sis, hurry up," Luke giggles, his spiky blond hair wild and shining like the stars in the night sky.
"I'm coming," I assure him as I sprint down the streets of Magnolia.
"You're gonna miss 'em, hurry up!" He giggles again.
I kick my pace up a notch to reach him in seconds and then skid to a stop beside my little brother. I'm panting a little, but he starts pulling me down the street regardless.
"The fireworks start soon, and so will the parade. We have to get in our places!" Luke urges, his one free hand waving frantically.
"We'll make it, I promise," I smile at him as we turn the corner to find the rest of the floats.
This is Luke's first year participating in the Fantasia Parade and he's taking it very seriously. He's been looking forward to it for so long, it hasn't surprised me that he's this enthusiastic.
"Up here, up here, Nashi!" Luke shouts as he scrambles up the platform to where our parents stand in similar costumes. My mom and I are wearing the same style princess dress, but her's looks like stardust while mine looks flaming. My father and brother are dressed as a king and prince in red or gold. Our task for the parade is one of my favorites that is presented.
Luke and I halt next to our parents and we arrange ourselves in the specified order: Mom, me, Luke, Dad.
"Are you ready?" Mom asks my brother and I, a huge, happy grin spread wide across her face.
"Yeah!" Luke and I roar excitedly.
"Of course you are!" Dad's face erupts in a fanged grin. "Let's show 'em how Fairy Tail throws a parade!"
He picks Luke up and swings him onto his shoulders. The floats begin to move, slowly enough that my dad and I don't blow chunks due to our motion sickness. The parade steadily chugs along down the streets through cheering crowds. On floats ahead I can even see my friends and their families all dressed up on their own floats. The Fantasia Parade is better this year than it's ever been, no doubt.
Then suddenly it's time for us to play our role. On the count of three, my parents, me, and even little Luke unless small bursts of our magic power. The starry fireworks alongside the blazing fireworks light up the night sky. My whole family is smiling together and enjoying themselves.


I cast spell after spell, training until I'm at a breaking point. The memory of the Fantasia Parade so many years ago burning white hot in my mind, fueling my power. I shift from magical attacks to physical ones. I land punch after punch on my designated 'training dummy'. The loud thud of my fists landing blows echo through the woods. Our field also doubles as a training area. This time, I'm here alone, whereas Emma and Storm are usually with me. They're occupied with other things right now, though.
Unfortunately, Gajeel has upped Emma's lessons to the point where they're out all day long. He makes Levy go with them both. The whole guild has pretty much figured out the real reason for his behavior. He wants to watch over them, since he can't watch over his twin daughter and son.
Storm has been kept on babysitter duty. His parents have him following his sister everywhere to make sure she's safe. He's her own personal bodyguard.
That leaves me. I'm not to leave Magnolia under any circumstance, but I'm not trapped at home. My parents do make sure they know where I am at all times, though.
It's been this way since we were caught two days ago. Nova and Reiki have both been living like normal, seeing as they're both older. I did talk to them the other day and Reiki did say his Mom had some words for him. I can only imagine what went down.
I glance up at the sky and see the sun directly overhead. It's near noon, meaning I've been out here for four hours or so. Just like yesterday. I've been training relentlessly, only taking breaks for food and sleep. Mostly food, since when I drift off to sleep I'm only able to see my brother tortured.
My hand darts out to grab my water bottle and I drain it completely. Out of breath, I begin my walk back to the guild to grab some lunch.
The steady rhythm of my boots on the street remains as constant as my gaze straight ahead. I debate going home to eat, but I'm starving. I'd rather eat now as I smell horribly than walk all the way home first.
The guild doors creak as I push them open. A few heads turn as I walk in, but most people are occupied with other matters. Regardless, I ignore everywhere as I stride up to the bar and order some food from Mira.
"Nashi, you okay?" A familiar voice sounds in my ear.
I turn to look at Storm, and plaster a smile on my face. "Yeah, I'm good."
He studies my face for a moment. "No, you're not."
"Um, what?" The laugh I let out sounds slightly nervous.
"First off, you stink like you've been training like a maniac. And you look like you haven't slept in days." He gives me a pointed look.
Crap, he can see right through me.
"The obsessive training, the lack of sleep, you're avoiding the obvious and you're gonna kill yourself if you keep this up." He continues, his face set in a serious expression.
"Don't act like you are facing this head on. We're all ignoring this!" I snap at him.
"Maybe, but at least some of us are trying to handle it!" Storms shouts back at me.
"Handle it? Playing babysitter is handling it? Glad you're so fine with this situation!"
"Shut up, Dragneel! While you run off into the woods, some of us are trying to be here for our families!"
My fists engulf themselves in flames as I punch Storm directly in the face.

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