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Storm stumbles backward only to fall to the ground.
"What the heck is wrong with you, Dragneel!" He yells, clutching his bleeding cheek.
"I don't know, why don't you let me know how wrong I am again!" I shout back at him, my fanged teeth bared.
He stands up, gripping the edge of the bar. A small shriek is heard throughout the guild.
"Storm! Are you okay?" Sylvia runs up to her brother, but he pushes her back.
"I'm fine, get back," He assures her before turning to me. "Do you expect me not to hit you because you're a girl?"
"No, we've trained together before and you hit me then. I'm basically asking for it now. Come on, Pretty Boy, bring it on," I snarl and get into a fighting stance. "No magic, just regular old fists."
"Just remember you started this, so no holding me responsible for whatever happens." He glares, blue eyes glinting with rage.
I launch myself at Storm, my fist cocked back ready to fight. My punch flies through the air hitting Storm in the gut as he tries to dodge it. He's knocked back, but wastes no time before returning the attack. Storm's fist slams into my cheek, nearly identical to where I hit him. My head flings back from the impact and I stagger a little. I shake my head and then a growl slips out. I charge him, landing blow after blow. Storm does the same, both of us attacking each other like rabid animals.
Finally, people step in and pull us apart.
"Hey! Stop! Get off me!" I thrash around as I'm pulled backwards.
"Nope, not happening, Nashi," Nova's hold on my arms stays firm.
"Let me go! This isn't over!" Storm bucks around, trying to get free.
"Quit flailing, you're done fighting." Reiki keeps Storm held in place.
After a few minutes of struggling, we both finally give up. That's when I take a second to look at Storm. His face has some scratches, and his cheek is cut. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in someone's compact mirror they left on a table and see that I look about the same. Huh, I was right. I have a cut on my cheek that is a mirror image of Storm's. But that's not the point. I gave him those cuts and scratches. I did that to my best friend.
Storm was right, I've ignored and avoided the problem instead of facing it. I've let myself become a monster, and then I hurt one of the people I care about most.
Tears begin welling in my eyes. What the heck is wrong with me? My thoughts scream the question over and over again until the tears begin flowing down my cheeks. Nova drops my arms and I sink to the ground. She stoops down right next to me almost immediately.
"Nashi, what's wrong?" Her voice softens.
I shake my head and continue crying like the pathetic person I've become. I bring my hands up to cover my face and stand up on wobbly knees. As fast as I can manage, I exit the guild and return to the field. That's the only place where I'm likely to be left alone. Facing everyone right now isn't something I want to do.
Everything is a blur as I run down the streets and into the clearing. What did I just do? Did I just lose one of my best friends? I deserve it, though. I started all this mess, and now dealing with the consequences is all I can do.
Footsteps crunch behind me as I sit facing the woods, my back against a tree.
"Here to yell at me, Nova?" I ask, my voice shaky.
"It's not Nova," Storm's cool voice replies.
I jump up and turn around instantly, my face still a crying mess.
"I'm sorry." I blurt quietly.
"Me too." He steps closer.
"I'm sorry." The words merely a whisper now.
"It's okay," He takes a few more steps, closing the gap between us.
A pair of strong arms wrap around me. Why isn't he yelling? Why isn't he mad?
"I'm sorry," I cry it into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I repeat the words over and over again as he holds me.
Storm just stands there, letting me snot all over his jacket. When I finally pull back I know I must look like a literal train wreck.
"Are you good now?" He grins at me.
"Depends, are we good?" I look up into his eyes.
"Yeah, Nashi, we're good," He smiles, a real true smile.
"Thanks," I mumble.
"What for?"
"For not disowning me as a friend."
"I know why you did all that. I know what you're going through. We're all feeling like this. Plus I know something is really wrong when you start crying."
I let out a shaky laugh. I do my best to pull off one of my signature fanged, mischievous grins.
"Let's go back to the guild hall, you're probably still hungry," Storm grabs my arm and gently pulls me along as he walks.
I suddenly remember that I never actually ate the food I ordered.
"Yeah, let's go." I fall into pace alongside him.
We begin the walk back to the guild, and everything starts to feel like normal. Storm starts teasing me for being such a softie and I retort back at him to not get used to it. Yeah, we're good. Our friendship is back to the way it was, and I know we'll be okay. Unfortunately, we soon find out that not everyone will be fine. Not even close.

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