Team Nashi

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"You want to form a team?" Emma turns toward me, a bright look in her eyes. I've seen her mom get that look sometimes.
"Yeah," I nod.
"Great," I smile.
"One question, how many people are going to be on this team?"
"Other than me and you, there's a few people I have in mind," I give Emma a look and we share a smile.
In an instant, Emma and I are on the ground and running to find our targets. Suddenly, the horrible feeling that our siblings are doomed is lightened just a little. It helps to feel that I can help.
Not minutes later, my boots are thudding against the cobblestone streets as I race toward the next member of our team. Finally, I skid to a stop outside the guild and check the inside. But no luck, his parents are there though I can't find him. So instead I check the next spot he spends a lot of time at: his house.
I'm barely winded as I halt outside his front door. I peer through the window and see no lights or movement. My fist slams into the door as I knock, yelling like a maniac.
"Storm! Storm, I know you're here! Storm!" My voice screeches.
A couple of bumps sound out through the house and I see him making his way downstairs and to the door. He opens it and snaps, "What do you want?"
"To form a team," I blurt.
"What?" He raises a dark navy eyebrow.
"Master won't let us go get Luke, Rin, Gale, and Eliza, so let's form a team and go get them ourselves." I explain with my hands flying around wildly. I'm a hand-talker.
"Hold on a second," Storm grab my hands and holds them still, "Take a minute, calm down, and then tell me what you're talking about."
I nod and take a deep breath before fully explaining everything. He nods and thinks over what I'm saying before he shrugs.
"Alright, I'm in," He reaches inside his door and pulls out a jacket. "Let's go finish up our list,"
I flash him a fanged grin and then realize he still has a hold on one of my hands. I blush furiously, but thankfully he's looking away. As if on perfect timing, Emma arrives with Reiki Fernandes right that second. I had her go find and ask him about our plan and I'm assuming he's agreed. That's really a huge relief. Reiki is Nova's age, and he's really strong too. As inconspicuously as I can, I turn the awkward hand holding into me pulling him towards them two.
"Thanks for joining, Reiki," I grin at him as well.
"It sounds like you could need me so I'm happy to help out a friend," He smiles back.
Emma pipes up from beside him and asks, "Who else is left?"
"Just one person, and I have a feeling we can get her to agree." I point toward the guild hall and start jogging towards it, "And I'm pretty sure I know where she is," I add.
As usual, I'm right. Nova is sitting at the bar when I walk through the doors. Everyone is so somber in the building that I realize how lost I got in excitement to remember why we're doing this. My expression fades a bit, but I keep walking to Nova. I gaze around the hall and see no sign of my parents or Emma's parents, but Gray and Juvia are sitting at one table. The look on their faces dredges up my own fear. This situation is really, really bad.
"Nashi?" Nova asks, snapping me back to my senses.
"Oh, sorry, Nova, I need to ask you something but we should probably not do it here," I whisper quietly.
"Okay then," She stands up and we walk outside.
"Nova, I'm starting a team. Gramps won't let me go get my brother and his team, so I'm taking action by making a team to go rescue them, and I'd really love it if you joined." I cross my arms and look at her hopefully.
She considers everything and then opens her mouth again.
"While I don't want to go against Gramps, I'm up for a rescue mission. I mean, it's for a good cause. Yeah, Nashi, I'll join your team."
I smile and begin to say something about meeting up with the others, but a memory pops up instead.
"You're in, just like that? I thought you didn't want us to go near Venom Rose," I question, my eyebrows furrowed.
She looks at me and then sighs. "It's different now, Nashi. I don't like the idea of being around Venom Rose, but now there's a lot at stake. Some of the younger members of our guild are in danger, so we have a reason to go charging out to battle. We protect our own."
"Yeah," I nod, "We'll get them back, especially now that I'm not alone in doing so."
She smiles at me and grab her arm. "Come on, let's go get the others."


"So here's the plan. I think we need to leave sooner than later. I know Gramps sent a team out, but what if they don't make it back? I say we should leave in the middle of the night, tonight." I cross my arms defiantly.
"Tonight? Will that be enough time to get supplies ready?" Reiki raises an eyebrow.
"Let alone the fact the we have no plan of attack." Storm mutters.
Snide comments break out and arguments arise.
"Hey!" I slam a fist into a tree. It shudders, splinters, then falls to the ground in pieces. Everyone goes silent. Good, I have their attention now. "Venom Rose left their location on the picture they put in the guild hall. They're a good day or two away from us. We can plan on the way." I shudder to think about the timeframe that matches up sickeningly. Two days ago my brother and his team left, which means they never made it to their job. Seeing as the town they were supposed to go to was past this one, an ambush is the most likely scenario. A fresh wave of rage-fueled determination shoots through my veins.
"That could work," Nova nods as she thinks it over. "We could plan on the way because we don't want to wait too long before we go."
"Can we all agree on this?" I look each member of the team in the eyes.
They all nod back.
"Great," I uncross my arms and lean back against a non-broken tree. "Just one more question, and it's not important, but what are we calling our team?"
It's Emma that speaks out this time. "How about Team Nashi, after the founder of the team?"
"Makes sense," Storm shrugs.
"I can agree with that," Reiki states.
"Then let's get ready to kick some butt, Team Nashi!" Nova pumps her fist in the air.
I look around the group at each of the team members, and that's when I know we're going to beat Venom Rose out of existence.

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