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We look around the Venom Rose Guild for a pretty long while. All we need is to find out where they held the prisoners. We roam the halls and go up all the floors of the building. Why is it so hard to find a dungeon? I mean, it's not like they're small.
While we're searching, the magic council arrives, along with what's left of our guild. Master had actually contacted them, something I never thought I'd witness, and brought them here. They take Venom Rose away, seeing as they are now a dark guild. But at last we find something helpful. A hidden door and a key.
"Hurry!" Emma says excitedly.
"Is it working?" I ask eagerly.
"Hold on a second," Storm grunts as he sticks the key into the lock, jiggles it a little, then turns it. "It works." He turns around and smiles triumphantly at us, and my heart beat quickens.
We all head down the dimly lit stairs, slow enough to be careful of traps, but still pretty quick. The rest of the guild follows closely behind us.
We walk single-file through the winding staircase for a good couple of minutes, and just when I think we'll never get there, the stair level out into flat ground. Since I'm leading the way, I step out into the room with my hand lit like a torch. Several unlit torches line the wall, so with a quick flick of my wrist, I send fire out to light each of them. Immediately, the glow fills the room and I'm greeted by the faces of our guild members.
I rush forward and begin unlocking the cells they're being held in. I feel like I can't unlock them fast enough, though I manage not to fumble with the key. They all hurry out and run to their family and friends. My smile grows with each passing second, and finally I unlock the last cage. It happens to be the one with my family inside.
"Mom, Dad, Luke," I smile, tears sliding down my cheeks. At least these are happy tears.
My parents step outside, my dad carrying an injured Luke. Luke's leg has a huge gash in it which means he will probably have a scar. But they're all here, and they're all alive.
Mom crushes me in a hug as we cry, and Dad stands next to us with Luke.
"You did it, you saved us! I'm so proud of you!" Mom gushes.
"We're so proud of you," My dad gives me the fanged grin we both have.
"I had help," I look at Storm, Emma, Nova, and Reiki with their families. "I'm really just glad you're all okay,"
"All of us?" Luke asks sarcastically, pointing to his leg.
"Oh, shut up, you're alive, aren't you?" I laugh and ruffle his hair. "I missed you guys,"
"How did you all get Master to let you come here?" Mom asks, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.
"Well, we actually didn't," I chuckle nervously. "We just left to come rescue you guys,"
Dad let's out a laugh. "That's my girl! Reminds me of our Galuna Island adventure again, Luce.  We went anyway and ended up saving the place!"
"Yeah, it does remind me of that," Mom smiles at Dad happily. If they get too lovey-dovey I'm going to puke. Probably not though, this moment is too good to ruin.
"Well, now that our guild has been saved, how about we all go home?" Master shouts from where he stands with Nova, Laxus, and Mirajane.
A chorus of "Yeah!"s echo back to him, and we set out on the journey back.


As we make our way back to Magnolia, it's decided that a party will be thrown later in the week in honor of the return of our guild mates. Master only scolds our team a little bit for disobeying orders, but mostly he's glad for everyone's reunion. We all are.
Everyone talks and laughs on the way home. I stay with my family, and everyone else stays with theirs. Even though I want to go say something to the team, I let them be with their families right now. We can talk later.
"So, how did you all manage to defeat Venom Rose?" Luke asks.
"Well, it's a long and extremely weird story," I chuckle lightly.
"We have a while, let's hear it," Mom smiles and nudges my elbow.
"Okay, you asked for it," I launch into my retelling if the past events.

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