Last Chance

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"Nashi, please slow down. We can't even talk about the plan if you keep this pace. Please, slow down for one second!" Emma reaches out to grab my arm.
I halt in my tracks and turn around, pink hair swishing wildly. "I can't stop or we'll never get there!" I yell frustratedly.
"We're not asking you to stop, we're asking you to slow down. We've been walking for over an hour and you're still practically jogging." Storm points out, sounding mildly annoyed.
"Well, I just don't want Venom Rose to execute the majority of the Fairy Tail guild!" I stomp my foot in anger.
"We understand, Nashi, Fairy Tail is our guild, too. You just need to realize that if you continue this, we will rush in with no plan in place and most likely not make it back out." Reiki reasons, ever the levelheaded one.
"He's right, you know," Nova tilts her head, her pale blonde hair framing her face.
I take a breath. "Yeah, I know. Sorry, it's been a rough day."

4 hours ago...

"Nova, what's going on?" I ask her as she practically drags us down the road.
"You need to see it," is all she says.
"See what?" Storm asks from where Reiki has his arm.
"Please tell us what's wrong," Emma questions nervously.
I know the interrogation is probably not necessary, but I don't want to guess correctly right now. I don't want my suspicions to be true.
"Wait until we get to the guild," Nova says through gritted teeth.
We all drop it. It's best to leave Nova alone before she turns into the Lightning Demon and kills us. Therefore, we walk in silence to the guild.
Finally, we arrive at the guild hall. The first thing that kills me once we get there is the sheer emptiness and silence of the building. In all my life, I've never seen it like this. I guess that's what happens when the majority of your guild members have been kidnapped. But the situation gets worse. A lot worse.
On the wall, someone has posted another picture with a note. I walk closer and examine the photo as Reiki steps forward to read the note.
"We still have your Fairies, and you still fail to get them back. This is the last message and your last chance. Your Fairies die tomorrow." Reiki finishes, a grim look on his face.
We all stop and the impact of the letter hits us. No one moves, no one blinks, no one breathes. Our parents failed, so now their lives are in danger as well as the rest.
They aren't bringing them back.
The thought is enough to snap me out of my trance. That's it, I think angrily, no more waiting. I'm going to go save them, and not even Erza can stop me. I look down at the fiery red guild mark on my wrist. That mark means something, and I'm ready to prove what that is. I'm ready to prove that it means I'm a part of the Fairy Tail family, as cheesy as that may sound, but family sticks together and is there for each other.
I turn and start stomping out the guild hall with vengeance on my mind.
"Nashi, wait," Emma calls.
I spin on my heel and look at her, eyes blazing. "What? I'm not gonna stay here and wait any more. I've followed orders long enough, and now there's no one left. I'm going with or without anyone else."
There's a second of pure quiet.
"Well, Team Nashi was created just for this task, so we're coming with you," Storm's voice rings out loud and clear.
A small smile spreads across my face. "Then let's go save Fairy Tail."


"Yeah, I know. Sorry, it's been a rough day."
I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay, we get it," Nova says reassuringly.
A tear almost slides down my cheek. Almost.
"Enough of this, let's keep going. Slower." I add for emphasis. "We need to plan right now anyway."
"True, but we need to be quiet about it. Broadcasting our whole strategy isn't what we want to do." Emma says cautiously.
I nod silently before brainstorming begins.
"So, we know the following things about Venom Rose; they're new, they're a dark guild, and they hate Fairy Tail. We have no motive and no idea of who's in this guild," I tally everything up on my fingers.
"Yeah, that sounds about right," Storm chuckles sarcastically.
"But we know where they are and who they're targeting," Reiki finishes for me.
"Therefore, we can set up a trap to get us in and give us the chance to take them down from the inside." Emma whispers excitedly.
I grin at them and we start to formulate the plan that will hopefully save our guild.

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