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I'm humming to myself the next morning as I get ready. Soft, slightly off-key notes sing out through the morning as I brush my hair, dress in shorts and a t-shirt, and lace up my boots. Yesterday was a lot of fun, even though I was nervous as heck for it.
I clomp downstairs to find my family eating pancakes. A small smile spreads across my face upon seeing them. It's so good to have everyone back together.
"Nashi, you look like a creepy stalker. What are you doing?" Luke looks at me like I have three heads.
"Oh nothing," I plop down in the seat beside him and load my plate up with food.
"Slow down, Nashi! Where does all that food go anyway?" My mom chuckles at me as I scarf down my pancakes.
"She eats like me," Dad laughs.
"Oh, believe me, I know," Mom sighs.
I finish eating and flash a grin at her. "I love you," I sing innocently.
"You better," She threatens jokingly.
I get up, clear all the plates, and start washing the dishes.
"Mom? Is Nashi actually cleaning up?" Luke asks in disbelief.
"I think so," Mom whispers in awe.
I turn around and stick my tongue out at them. "Here I am, trying to be nice, and you all have to be weird about it," I fake glare at them.
"No, no, feel free to clean whenever you want," He holds his hands up in surrender.
"Yes, please do," Mom nods in agreement.
I dry off all the dishes and put them back up.
"Is it guild time?" Luke hops up excitedly.
"Why so excited today? Someone you want to go see?" I wink at Luke with a sly grin on my face.
"No!" He looks at me, horrified.
"We could ask you the same thing, Nashi," Mom copies my expression from a second ago.
"Ugh, don't remind me of her date with Ice Princess's kid," My dad mutters disgustedly.
"Let's just go," Luke remarks as he walks out the door. I shrug and follow him.
Once we're at the guild, Emma and Nova immediately pounce on me to get all the details from yesterday. I tell them the vaguest possible summary, and then try helplessly to steer the topic of conversation to something else. It doesn't work. I launch into a retelling of the day and they squeal like little kids once I get to the end.
"Yes! He finally did it! Finally, after he's been crushing on you for so long!" Emma giggles.
"Did what?" I ignore that last bit about crushing on me for a long time, mostly because it might make me get all flustered.
"Kissed you," Nova answers for her.
"It was just a cheek kiss," I mumble.
"Should I not have done it then? You sound upset about it," A voice says from behind me.
I jump, startled, before turning around to face the handsome, navy-haired boy who we were talking about.
"No, I'm not upset about that!" I assure him. "It's these two right here that are driving me crazy," I point at Nova and Emma.
They merely laugh at us and walk over to the table where Reiki is sitting.
"I really did enjoy yesterday," I grab his wrist. "Come on,"
I pull him over to the table where our friends are sitting. I take a seat next to Emma and Storm sits down beside me, with Reiki and Nova on the other side of the table.
"So, we were just talking about who we think would win in a fight." Emma fills us in.
"Okay, who are the options?" I cross my arms on the table top.
"Jillian and Lena," Nova says, referring to Cana's daughter and Evergreen's daughter.
"Should you really be judging your cousin on this? Lena wouldn't like it," Reiki points out to Nova.
"Nah, Lena won't care, she's not even here," Nova waves a hand dismissively.
I laugh the two of them, and the debate begins. I stop for a second and look around the guild. I can see my brother joking around with his team. My parents are sitting with their friends, talking cheerfully. Everyone in the guild is happy and content.
I then look around at my table. Sitting here with my friends and family, it's the happiest I've been in a while, and I'm so grateful for it.

Hey, everyone,
So, unfortunately this means that you've reached the end of the book. I'd like to take a second to thank you all. You're the reason I do this, and I'm really grateful for all of the support.
I was thinking the other day, and I had an idea I could use for a sequel. I'd really appreciate it if anyone who thinks that I should write it would comment.
Again, I'd just like to say thank you all so much. I had a lot of fun writing this book, and I hope you enjoyed it.
Love you guys,

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