MARS Part 1

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"What star sign are you?" the woman guarding the border of the Mount Mons area asked.

Peyton was waiting in line to be admitted to the colony after hiding out in the out-lands, where she had been sheltering with an outer survey team for several weeks. The traveler longed to park her rover, shake the red sand off her weighted gravity boots and relax in an air-conditioned habitat once again. 

"Pisces," she replied, not wanting to admit to being born a Capricorn.

It had somehow become illegal to be born during late December or early January on Mars. The new prejudice was just one of those illogical bigotries that human society was prone towards, based upon ignorance and suspicion. Unfortunately, like all bigotries, the prejudice could have consequences, resulting in persecution and discrimination. 

The border guard was frowning, momentarily suspicious of the newcomer. "Pisces?" 

Something about the twist of her lips and twinkle of her eye betrayed the passion of a Capricorn. Peyton toned down her expression, pulled out her fake identification, and flashed it confidently in the woman's face. "Here. Take a look."

The border guard relaxed and smiled, believing what she saw. "You are a pilot?" she asked, checking the forged papers.

"Yes," Peyton nodded. Her pilot's qualification was real; it was just the birth date on her license that had been altered.

"We can always use a good pilot," the Guard observed, waving Peyton through the gate into the Free Mars Colony.

"Thanks." The danger was past and Peyton crossed safely over the border. 

Pleased that her subterfuge had been successful, Peyton smiled triumphantly and looked around the area inside the dome. It was early morning, but a few people were about.

Mars had been a good place to live once. There had been an atmosphere of excitement, and the pride of pioneering a new planet. Men and women had worked together in harmony to create the new settlement. Until that had all changed. 

The goats got sick and the pogroms against persons born under the sign of the goat commenced. During the months of persecution, the few Capricorns settled on Mars were blamed for the outbreak of the virus. 

The 'goat virus' was a microbial disease that caused the livestock to break out into boils and die slowly from a lingering fever. The infection had wiped out the breeding stock of hardy creatures imported from earth. 

All known Capricorns had been arrested or deported, except a few, like Peyton, who had successfully gone into hiding.


"Hey there," a man called. He was wearing a local security uniform and looked like a solid Leo. "Just in from the rim?"

"Yes," Peyton tensed up in case his interest was more than social, but decided to disarm him with amiability. She answered pleasantly, keeping in mind that she was meant to be an accommodating Pisces.

"I'm Mack," the young man said in a friendly manner. He was evidently off duty.

"I might see you around, Mack," Peyton responded casually. 

She was not attracted to him, but the impression of flirtation would go a long way towards keeping Mack's suspicions at bay. If she kept her mind on the task, Peyton could give a good imitation of the Pisces personality, and so far had raised no alarm. 

Mack nodded in satisfied fashion and went on about his business. 

The Free Mars Colony was currently presumed to be cleansed of all Capricorns already. This assumption was lucky for Peyton, who was tired of hiding among the surveyors. She was also and keen to use skills that were wasted out in the cold barren outer reaches. Her recent month of segregation and secrecy had been involuntary; but necessary for safety, in spite of her soul crying out for the warmth of acceptance from the other colonists. 

Everyone deserves to be accepted for who they are, Peyton thought. However, it wasn't going to happen for her. The next best thing would just to be included for who she appeared to be, and she hoped she could achieve that aim. A job, a few friends, being welcome to buy a drink in the Space-bar in the evening, it wasn't a lot to ask. Whatever her ability, preference or star sign.


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