Mars Part 8

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When they said good night that evening it was extremely late. Peyton did not lean as close to Jed as usual, and he looked at her curiously.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't believe you share the prejudice against Capricorns."

"I don't think I do," Jed objected. "Anyway - what's it to you?"

He was standing patiently, viewing her quizzically. This was Peyton's chance to tell him that she was a Capricorn. But she feared someone might over-hear them. Besides, she still wasn't a hundred percent sure she could trust him on the issue. She resolved to spend a little more alone time with him on another visit, perhaps to convince him to keep a more open mind regarding the Capricorn issue.

"Forget it. I hate fighting."

"I think this is the second time the subject has become an issue..." Jed was frowning.

"I like to be open minded."

"Like all Pisces - you cannot bear to hear evil about anyone." Jed had found his own explanation.

Peyton was secretly dismayed. They had spent too much time in groups during his visit, and Jed was due to leave early in the morning. Her passionate Capricorn soul wanted to seize the moment but her stubborn streak would not let her. Logic suggested her next leave might coincide with his. Then they could do something special together, maybe even take Peyton's rover out, and drive on a tour across the surface of Mars, if she dared suggest something so adventurous and Capricorn-like.

Jed had stepped inside Mack's room door. On impulse Peyton knocked.

"Yes?" Jed looked surprised. "It's late Peyton!"

"Your friendship is important to me."

"As yours is to me." 

They hugged and Jed dropped a small kiss on her cheek. 

"Till next time."


The following weekend, Jed turned up unexpectedly at the Free Mars Colony. Peyton was surprised, when he walked into the cafeteria, because he had not arranged this visit with her, but she had to admit that the surprise was a pleasant one. 

"I wasn't expecting you!"

Jed looked mildly abashed. "I didn't think you would mind..."

"Oh - I don't!" Despite the odd doubt, Peyton was deeply in love, and Jed's arrival gave her confidence that her affection was returned. Then it occurred to her: "Unfortunately, I have been rostered ferry duties."

"I will make do..." Jed was cheerful.

Saturday morning, Peyton bid goodbye to Jed and Linnet at breakfast and set off on her route. There were not many speed restrictions out in space, but Peyton broke the few limits that did exist in order to complete her rounds and return to Mars with a full hold soon after lunch.

"Back so soon, miss?" the Terminus Attendant was surprised.

"Yes - I have a special visitor I want to spend time with."

"Have a good afternoon miss."

Peyton had parked the ferry in the spaceport, where it would be unloaded by the automatic arms. She passed through the airlock and hurried towards her room, eager to have a shower and change into an attractive outfit to please Jed.

All was quiet in the corridor as Peyton inserted her auto-key into the locking mechanism of her room, so she was surprised to see Linnet was in the room, kissing a man who had his back to the door. Linnet didn't have a boyfriend, although she occasionally hung out with Mack, who flirted with everybody.

As Peyton stepped into the room, she realised the man kissing Linnet was Jed. She gasped in shock.  


Deep inside, Peyton knew that if she had been more self-aware, she might have seen this disaster looming. She had suspected Jed was not as emotionally involved as she had been, but had lived on dumb hope. Her mind occupied by survival, she had given little thought to lack of passion Jed displayed towards her, and even less thought to the requirements of a successful relationship. Unfortunately, admitting her witlessness did not make the betrayal with her roommate it any less painful. 

This can't be happening. He came to visit me... Don't let them know how I feel - it would be too humiliating... besides unsafe... what if I explode like a Capricorn? Don't cry, don't shout, don't scream, don't anything...


"I'm sorry Peyton."

"There must be some mistake!"

No he was really kissing Linnet a moment ago. A roaring arose in Peyton's head and she felt dizzy. She could not bear the pain. 

"I was going to tell you as soon as I had a chance."

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