Mars Part 4

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Around this time, there was a resurgence of anti-Capricorn sentiment back at the Mars Colony. The loss of the goats rankled because the goats had been intended to provide milk and meat for the colonists, along with fibre for clothing and skin that could be cured into leather. In other words: a walking, reproducing, growing general store.

"Thanks to those flogging Capricorns, we have no meat."

"No milk because of the goat-facers."

The complaints swirled around the colony. 

Peyton recalled that the domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) had been chosen because they could eat almost anything and survive. Now the colony was stuck with the very few camels that had been imported. Camels were slower to reproduce, and camel meat was far less popular for eating. Camel milk was considered barely palatable.

No other animals had been brought from earth. Grasshoppers had been considered, but all vegetation would have to be hydroponically cultivated on Mars, and very few people liked eating grasshoppers anyway. A few microbes might have stowed away for the trip, but they were considered a pest not an asset.


"Effing Capricorns."

"Sodden goat-facers."

A few people swore anti-Capricorn oaths at meal times, and the young security guard, Mack, reported that several people had been harassed simply for up wearing red. Linnet looked frightened.

"I don't know what is wrong with people," Mack said in an attempt to be comforting. 

Linnet shivered. "I won't wear my tan kimono anymore then!"

"Everyone knows there are no true Capricorns left on Mars," Mack continued. "So now they are picking on people just for looking like Capricorns."

"It is a good thing too!" one conservative Colonist pronounced. "What if the goat virus had spread to humans?"

"A few mutations and we would all have been blooming zombies," the conservative Colonist muttered.

"The Capricorn gene is a stain on humanity," another narrow-minded Settler pronounced. 

"We ought to eradicate it from the other colonies too," suggested the Conservative.

"Someone should go back to Earth-Prime and get rid of the whole lot of them," suggested an angry looking Woman.

"Our Medical Officer assured us the prospect was very unlikely," Mack pronounced, but the colonist did not look convinced.

Several diners muttered dissent, but they all knew Mark worked in security; so they restrained themselves from outright disagreement. 

Peyton reflected that Mark was a very reasonable person really. Although as he worked for the company, she had to watch her behaviour in his presence. Luckily no one looked directly at Peyton, and she kept her head down, chewing her hydro-vegetables.


"Sodden goaters."

"Cleanse them all." 

The mutters continued quietly.

The constant abuse of her natural star sign was distressing to hear. Peyton schooled herself to passivity around the common areas, but she felt damaged inside. Suppressed anger turned into a burning emotional pain that would not go away, and made her sharp with Linnet once or twice. 

"Oh forget the Capricorns for goodness sake!"

Her roommate gave her an odd look, and Peyton apologised like a good Pisces ought, even though it felt incredibly unfair. 

"I'm sorry. It's been a big day."


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