Mars Part 7

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On his next stopover on Mars, Jed appeared very comfortable. Peyton had managed to reduce her flight load in honour of his visit, so they could have more time together. On the first night he was in town, they went to the space bar for a good old fashioned booze-up.

"I'm so glad you could visit again..." Peyton slurred for the fourth time after downing too many Martian brews.

Jed looked amused. He had been shouting drinks because miners were paid well and had little to spend their money on out on the asteroid.

"It's good to be here," he responded once again. "Would you like another drink?"

"Oh better not," some slither of self preservation told Peyton she would be in danger of betraying her Capricorn characteristics if she got truly drunk and lost charge of her facilities.

Jed turned to Linnet. "Would you like a drink then?"

Linnet had no inhibitions. Her sweet Pisces personality only became more obliging after imbibing alcohol. "Yes."

"What do you do again?"

"I'm an engineer," Linnet replied.

Peyton was pleased that Jed appeared to  be getting along really well with her roommate. The true Pisces was employed in the maintenance of the Mars settlement, so she had more free time when Peyton was on flight duty and was available to keep Jed company.

Occasionally, when Peyton felt it would be good for them to hang out in a larger group, the invited Linnet and Mack to accompany her and Jed to the Casino as well. There the four of them had a good time - hanging out, drinking 'spacer distillery' and joking around.

On the second of the two days Jed spent on Mars, they were sitting at the bar having a good time when a couple of veteran spacers plopped into the next seat along. The spacers introduced themselves as Archibald - an outgoing Sagittarius, and Pollo - a comfortable Cancer.

"What exactly do you do out in space?" Linnet inquired.

"Testing, exploring, mapping," Pollo explained. 

"We are the forerunners of civilisation," Archibald added.

"Surveyors?" Peyton suggested.

"Not officially," Archibald explained. "Explorers, cartographers, more like. We test the conditions for colonisation."

"And are there any planets out there you would recommend?" Peyton asked.

"Not really," Pollo said. "Mars is harsh enough, let alone the asteroid belt where the miners are stationed."

Jed nodded. "I know all about that!" 

According to their tales Archibald and Pollo had travelled the limits of the solar system together, and Peyton suspected their close partnership indicated more than friendship. The two referred to each other as 'allies' and the relationship appeared to have been a long term commitment.  How close a bond that must create! Peyton mused. She peeped shyly under her eyelashes at Jed, but he was busy listening to something Archibald was saying.

"Have you gone beyond Pluto?" Jed asked.

"Of course," Archibald  replied. "It is fascinating out there - so many possibilities."

"Dwarf planets, psuedo planets, debris - we may even find a thirteenth planet out there..." Pollo sounded hopeful.

"Do you think you will ever get to the next galaxy?" Peyton was curious.

Pollo shook his head. "No," he said. "These new Photon engines are great, but even they have their limitations..."

"It must be wonderful to explore the unknown together," Peyton observed wistfully. As a Capricorn she longed for adventure. She could imagine Jed and herself setting off on an intimate voyage to the starts.... Possibly discovering a new planet to name after themselves.

"I've been especially lucky to always have Archibald with me," Pollo said. 

"We have saved each other's lives a few times," Archibald agreed. 

The two men were drunk and happy. Archibald clapped Pollo on the back; and Pollo returned the gesture with friendly affection. 

"Has it always been just the two of you?" Mack asked.

"Yes! It is a good thing we get along so well," Pollo laughed. 

"Occasionally one of us considers murder in the confines of the spaceship," Archibald joked. 

The group laughed. Spaceship living involved extremely cramped quarters. Peyton could see how that could lead to arguments, although it clearly had not damaged the men's friendship.

"Have you ever seen any sign of intelligent life out there?" Jed asked.

"Not so far," Pollo said. "Archibald has been mildly disappointed, but I like a peaceful life."

"I did think that I sensed something when Pluto was in retrograde and we were out literally in the shadow of Capricorn," Archibald began. 

Everyone leaned forward to listen.

"Pollo said he could not sense it - but I did," Archibald continued. I'm not sure it was a life form - perhaps it was more of a physical phenomenon."

"Surely you don't believe the evil things they say about Capricorns?" Peyton asked searchingly. 

The two men shrugged. "Space is mysterious."

"You have to admit that constellation has a powerful influence," Linnet insisted. 

"Of course," Archibald and Pollo nodded.

"It is generally considered a dark one," Linnet said.

This was the first time Peyton had heard her roommate join in with the anti-Capricorn sentiment. She looked to the others for support, but it appeared they were all open to the suggestion that the mere coincidence of birth-date might possibly turn a personality to evil. 

"That's a bunch of nonsense," Peyton whispered. Even Jed appeared to be considering the idea. "Surely not you too, Jed?" 

"I'm a thinker," Jed replied uncomfortably. "Of course I do not accept the unfounded things being said about Capricorns..."


"But to deny that the star sign might have a particular influence," he continued, "Could be to deny something that Science might one day prove." 

"Oh surely not!" Peyton was disturbed.

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