Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 10: The Duel

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A New Journey Ahead DAL x Destiny (I do not owe DAL, Destiny or Yamato 2202)

Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 10: The Duel

Internal comms conversation: "Where Logan and Specter would hear and talk to each other."


Earth, Japan, Uninhabited Mountain Outside Tengu City,

"I wonder if he is ever going to arrive." Kurumi ponders as she held her hand under her chin.

She then heard something from the woods and saw Logan appearing out of the woods.

Kurumi saw her opponent coming out of the woods and spoke in delight. "My my~ you came~ And here I thought you were gonna run away,"

Logan raised his masked face and looked at his opponent, "I do keep my words. So, shall we begin our duel?"

Kurumi nodded at his reply, "Of course~ But before we begin, will you give me your name?"

Logan, although he wore his mask, he raised his left eyebrow, "And why would I do that?"

"Well, I need to know my opponent's name, of course."

"..." Logan was silent for a moment, and he decided to give her his name, "Logan... It's Logan."

"Ara ara~ what a nice name. I'll be sure to remember it when you die." Kurumi replied with a grin.

Logan stood in silence, but had his right hand gripped on his hand cannon Malfeasance, which was ready to be drawn, "If you're done talking, shall we begin out fight?"

Before coming to the mountain, Logan studied what Kurumi was capable of. Her power was time. Just, like how the Vex uses. Although he did saw her in action from the videos he collected, he wasn't sure what skill she will be used. But there was something he saw from her power, she relied on her clones mostly and her time ability to accelerate, reversing time or worse, her ability to temporarily freezing time on a target object or subject. But he knew that his opponent would have more up her sleeve.

The clock eyed girl agreed, she noticed his right hand was gripped to a gun she never saw. It emitted dark energy she never felt in her entire life much sinister than Qlippoth crystal energy. It intrigued her. She had thought of taking his gun for her own use if she wins the fight.

"Indeed, but before we do that..."

Kurumi raised her right hand to summon her Angel.

"Come to me, <Zafkiel>!!!"

A massive clock slowly materialized behind Kurumi. It was multiple times taller than her. At the same time, a red barrier emerged and began surrounding her and Logan.

Logan looked around and noticed it was one of Kurumi's abilities. Now she was getting serious.

He gripped his hand cannon tightly and prepared for the fight.

"With this barrier active, we wouldn't have anyone to notice or interfere with our fight."

Her weapons appeared in her hand flintlock pistol on her left hand, and a musket on her right hand.

She aimed both her weapons at her opponent, "Well then, shall we begin?"

Logan narrowed his eyes, "Spec, alert me if anyone comes into the range outside of this barrier."

Specter replied sharply, "I'm not sure if I can do that. Her barrier is interfering, but I'll see what I can do."

"Damn, alright see what you can do." After speaking with his Ghost through internal comms, he talked to his foe, "Your move."

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