Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 11: Unfinished Business with <Nightmare>

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A New Journey Ahead DAL x Destiny (I do not owe DAL, Destiny or Yamato 2202)

Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 11: UnfinishedBusiness with <Nightmare>

Location: Mars, Noachis Terra

STERBEN, Tokosaki Kurumi's Temporary Quarter

STERBEN, Tokosaki Kurumi's Temporary Quarter

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"Wha... Where am I...?"

The clocked eyed girl woked up, looked around to see where she was right now. She noticed that she was laying on a bed inside what appears to be a metal room and noticed that she was wearing a patient uniform. Before she could think more, she heard something coming.

The door slide opened, and the source of the noise appeared. Logan was standing in front of her while wearing his Hunter armor.

"You...!" Before she could say, more, her body ached and causing her to fall to the bed.

"Try not to move too much. I did what I could to heal you, but you're gonna need a rest. Besides, you're exhausted from our last fight." Logan carefully said while crossing his arms.

"Why did you save me...?" Kurumi groaned in pain as her body ached due to the fight.

He raised his right arm and clenched his fist and raised his index finger "For one, I still want you to tell me what you know about this world." He then raised his middle finger, "And two, you and I were in a pinch, so I got us out of there."

Kurumi simply looked at Logan with a bizarre look, "So... just because of those reasons you got me locked up here in this..."

Before she can describe where she was Logan cut off her sentence, "Cell? Sadly it's not. I'm letting you use one of the quarters temporally. It's not like I can just lay you one the medical section and let you run off can I?" Logan entered the cell and closed the door and leaned himself to the wall.

"Wha...? Hold on then. Where are we exactly? Is it one of you secret hideout perhaps?"

Logan shook his head, "Yes and no, We're on Mars, to be specific, you are on board my ship."

She frowned at his answers, "Ship? What are you...?"

Logan glanced at his guest, "I'm aware that you want to ask a lot of questions about what happened while you were knocked out. I guess I can tell you what happened."

He explained what had happened after she was knocked out by Logan. He explained that it has been 4 days after they left Earth and was on another planet where DEM or Ratatoskr couldn't find them. And that he had to take her to the medical deck and treated her wounds and put her in one of the quarter.

She frowned, "Hold on, a ship? You mean the one I saw before I was knocked out?"

Logan shook his head "No, I have a bigger ship than the one you saw, a warship to be precise. We'll talk about that later. So, how are you feeling?"

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