Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 8: The Requisition

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A New Journey Ahead DAL x Destiny (I do not owe DAL, Destiny or Yamato 2202)

Arc 1: Season of the Outlander Chapter 8: The Requisition

Internal comms conversation: "Where Logan and Specter would hear and talk to each other."

Earth, Japan, Outskirts of Tengu City 1 AM

Building Rooftop, Close to DEM Japan Branch District

"This should be a good place." Logan dropped the duffel bag and looked around. He was on the rooftop of the building that had a good distance between him and the DEM buildings.

His Ghost spoke in their internal comms so that only Logan and Specter would hear and talk to each other, "Hmm... Not a bad place, good view of the DEM building and has a distance. But, don't you think we need to locate a place where they store their hardware first?"

Logan nodded, "Right, and since its night time, there should be securities somewhere that we can find. They may not have guards outside the buildings, but we should be able to use a long-range scanner to detect life forms and locate which places house most of the electronics."

"To find terminal or server I presume?" His Ghost asked. Logan nodded and took out his binoculars, "Well, only tall building alright, there has to something."

Specter activated his scanner and began scanning for life forms or any electromagnetic signature. While he was scanning, he looked around the building, 'Huh, for a big corporation, they sure bought lots of property. Well, they are a PMC after all, which isn't that surprising.' He continued to scan the area, 'Lot's of electromagnetic feed coming from all buildings owned by DEM but there should be one with a strong feed that I could find.'

He then widens his search, 'Nope, no not that one...' 'Oh! I'm getting a massive reading.'

He then turned around see a building that was 500 meters close to DEM Japan branch and was 1km east-west to where they are right now.

Specter spoke, "Hey, I got something." Logan then put down his binoculars, "You got something?"

His Ghost nodded, "Yep over there 1 click east-west to where we are right now. I'm getting a lot of electromagnetic feed and some unusual reading as well. It's possible that there are a server room and the hardware they possess."

Logan took a closer look with his binoculars, "Hmm... If that's what you got, then I guess we have no choice then." He put the binoculars back to his belt. "Mark the coordinates. Let's get this over with."

He then grabbed his duffel bag and open the door and went downstairs to leave the building.

1 Hour Later...

Logan was getting close to the area that is controlled by DEM. "Spec, the armor if you please."

Specter than began Transmat his Guardian's armor as his clothes disappeared.

"What weapon are you gonna use?" Specter asked Logan, replied, "The ATALANTA-D XG1992, Le Monarque, and Doomsday." Then the weapon he chose, the ATALANTA-D XG1992 appeared in his hand and LeMonarque at his back. "Alright, That's the front door. There's gotta be another way inside a building without getting noticed."

"Well, there is a ventilation shaft or grapple your way to the top of the building and get inside the building." "Is that the only option we have at the moment?" "Unfortunately, yes..." Specter replied dryly.

"....." Deadpanned to hear this, Logan sighed. He then activated his Nightstalker vanished and began to aim his right arm at the top of the building and fire his grapple launcher which was located the underside of his Bladesmith's Memory Grips gauntlet. The hook then traveled high, and it hooked onto the rooftop.

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