sophie was a shy girl who loved to read, she was 19 years old just left college looking for a job, she found a secretary job to one of most richer billionaires around, but what she didn't no was once she gets that job theres no quitting.
damon Smith...
Urgg fucking alarm hate it I just wanna smash it i got up and turned it off it was 9 in the morning, I have a interview for some secretary at smiths Haynes, today yay not I really cant be arsed but who's gonna pay the Bill's I promised my mum that I can look after myself when I left home so that's what I'm gonna do,
I went into the bathroom and got a hot shower and washed, after my shower I walked into my bedroom, umm what to wear today, I thought so I rummage through my clothes and pulled out a pencil black skirt and a white shirt, need to look decent if I want this job. Once I was dressed I rushed out as it was already 7:30 and my interview was at 8 urgg "taxi" i shouted and the car stopped i got in "were to mam" the driver asked "Smith Haynes please" I said he smiled and drove I was looking outside the window until i saw the huge building I got out and paid then went inside. "Welcome to SmithHaynes how may i help you today, the woman behind the deck asked her name was Sarah well that's what her name tag said, "Hi I have an interview with damon Smith" I said she glared at me and fake smiled "yes sophie it's 40 floor" she said I said thanks and walked off geese what's up with her bloody rude, I got to the lift and pressed the 40 floor ding the lift closed and I stood in silents, I really hope I get this" I thought Ding the lift opened and i walked out there were other woman waiting to be interviewed they were all dress really skimpy wtf are they even wearing if they wanted to apply for a stripper then there at the wrong place, i was pulled out of my thoughts by the woman behind the deck she looked around 40 "hi may i help you" she said and smiled warmly "hi yes I have an interview with damon smith" I said "Ah okay just wait in line and your name will be called good luck" she said and smiled I thanked her she seemed really nice I really need this job, after a while the line has gone down and most of the woman came our either angry or crying ohh God he cant be that bad right.? "Sophie your up" she said I thanked her and took a breath before knocking on the door, "come in" a husky deep voice said from the other side I walked in and was in awe his office was massive, I looked at him and he was sitting in his chair he was very handsome and muscular, wow I thought he looked really intimidating so I sat down "cv" he said coldly geese whys everyone here so rude I handed him my CV and he read it " very impressive sophie what makes you think you are good for this job" damon asked okay here goes nothing "Sir I think im good for this job as I'm good at Communication, I can work well with other and I have time management skills I am motivated and can get the job done." He sat there and stared at me I began to fiddle with my fingers I was so nervous I hope I said the right things. "Well sophie you start Monday 8 sharp dont be late" he said omg I did a happy dance in my head I got the job wtf I did it omg omg omg I was ranting in my head and forgot I was still in his office "thank you sir I wont be late" i said and left his office and went home omg i gotta call my mum this is great news I took my phone out "ring ring" "Hello sweetie " mum said "omg mum I got the job omg" i screeched so happy "that's great sweetie" my mum said after the phone call I flopped down on the sofa and feel asleep.
Cast Sophie
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