Chapter Seventeen: Harry Pt. 2

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Song of the Chapter: No Song

Rose Pov

"Rose," Monica comes bursting into the staff room which consists of five lockers and two long wooden benches. The small hallway like room is our heaven away from the hell of the diner world.


"Can you cover me at the bar? I have to go see about my kids, there was some emergency with the baby sitter," Monica frantically puts her coat on. 

I stand, "yeah sure."

She rushes out the room and I hear the faint jingle of the ding that goes off when the door is opened at all. Usually people use bells but not this lady that owns it; she wanted to use a ding. So annoying. I wonder what is going on with Monica's kids. I hope they are okay; I need to change my thoughts before they start bullying me right now. 

The black and white checkered floors earn my attention while I walk behind the counter-slash bar to pick off where Monica left off. I grab the rag and began to wipe the counter off as the already served customers are enjoying their curly fries and milkshakes. 

As I turn around to clean out the blenders and machines, I hear the annoying ding sound meaning someone either came in or walked out. I hope Brittany ends up seating that person because I really do not feel like being bothered. 

I hear the screech as someone pulled back a stool to sit in. Dammit. Now this means I have to turn around and take their order. Why did I agree to cover for Monica again? 

When I turn around I wish I hadn't. "What the fuck are you doing here Harry," I slam the rag onto the counter. The lights above me are suddenly blinding and hot. He sits in a black hoodie with a black beanie on his head; right in front of me.

"Chill the fuck out Rose," he picks up a menu. Chill out? Chill out? Is he serious? Did he not forget all of the name calling and craziness he caused at Sandy's mother's wedding? Something is really wrong with Harry. It makes no sense.

"You need to leave," I say calmly. I am trying to keep my cool because I really need this fucking job, but he is making it hard. The only move I want to make right now is one of the blenders against his skull. 

"You can't kick out a customer," his eyes scan over the menu in his hands. He looks unbothered. If he hates me so much then why would he want to eat here? Judging by his lack of surprise or anger when I turned around, I take it he knew I worked here. Meaning someone told him, meaning he asked.

"Cut the bullshit," I sit my arms on the counter. "Why are you here?"

He looks up from the menu and takes a long sigh. 

"I came to," he trails off and takes his beanie off to scratch his head then he puts it back on. I raise my eyebrow in a hurry the fuck up kind of way. "I came to say sorry about what happened at the wedding," he avoids my eyes the whole time.

If my top lip is Alaska then my bottom lip must be Florida. That is how wide my mouth drops. Did he just apologize? What the hell? This must be a joke of some sort, like there must be a camera somewhere in here. I search the diner.

"Harry I don't have time for games. You should just leave; I have work to do," I turn back around to face the machines and the cooks behind in the kitchen. 

"Rose, I'm serious," I hear his voice behind me. 

"Waiter?" An older man calls for me. I look at Harry then at the man and walk towards the man. He is sitting right next to him.

"What can I get for you?" I ask with a small smile on my face. Monica says smiles earn tips in the dining business. 

"Oh my goodness, you look just like my late wife Katherine," he pulls his thick glasses over his eyes. "Beautiful girl aint she?" he looks over to Harry. Harry looks to me but I interrupt before he can say anything mean.

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