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Rin Okumura wasn't stupid and naive. He knew that it's not normal to have such fast healing ability and to be that strong when you're just a 7 years old child. 

He knew his little brother Yukio and his dad Shiro hid something to him but for Rin it's nothing because he stopped to trust humanity. The only one human he could trust is a old man Jii-chan* who was his sensei* at school but now he took his pension. He was always honest with him and he helped him when he was scared by the shadows, he explained he was an exorcist and what the shadows are, he said they're demons.

Rin could see the youkais* and kamis* too but not like the demons he could see them clearly. He became friend with a Yuki-onna* her name was Aoi when he was 2 and when he was 5 he became friend with a lake kami her name was Mizuhime and he was 6 he met a high-demons Hildegarde who ran away from her home because she was a maid-demon and she didn't want a master and they became friend with her there was the oldest hobgoblin* Ob-jii-chan and they became friend too.


Rin is now 7, Yukio and Shiro disappeared again and Rin know6 it's because Yukio is training to become an exorcist. Rin doesn't really care because he can see and talk with his friends. Mizu-chan (Mizuhime) created a necklace, it has the power to create a dimension for Rin's friends and they can talk to Rin in his head. 

Rin hates to be weak in front of his brother and mostly all humans so he hid his fear and he created an illusion with his friends to hide his real body because in reality he's girlish he never cuts his hair so he has long blue hair. He never told that he could see surnatural things at his family only Jii-chan knows that.

When Yukio is at home they play together and at night when Yukio sleeps he trains to control magic, it's Hildegarde-nee-san* who told him the humans can control magic and that he is the son of Satan so he is half-demon but he really doesn't care because he's growing as a human so his heart is a human's heart and now he can control the light, dark, fire, earth, saint and demon's magic. He doesn't know powerful spell but he has talent and a photographic memory. They don't know why he can use saint magic but they don't complain, the only problem is that he has to figure it out alone as they can't use it and it's been hundreds of years since they saw someone use it.

One day Shiro came to talk with Rin because he wanted to know how Rin was feeling because Yukio and he weren't a lot at home:

"Hey, Rin" started Shiro.

"Hey, is something wrong ?" asked Rin.

"No, I just want to know if you felt lonely because Yukio and I are not a lot at home recently. " answered Shiro

"(Can I tell him the truth it's not because I have friends and I don't trust them that means I don't feel a little lonely Yukio is my brother after all). Yeah, I feel a little lonely by the way. Why are you not at home ?" said Rin.

"(I knew one day he would ask me for the reason and I knew he would feel lonely, I'm so sorry my son). Because we have important work to do and we can't take you with us. Alright, I will do my best for be at home the most time possibly!" yelled a bit Shiro

"Yeah!!" shouted Rin

After that Yukio and Shiro was more at home than before but like they lie to Rin, Rin lies to them.

It's so a long intro sorry 😅😅

Sorry if there is fault, like I said English is not my native language.😅

See you to the next chapter😸




Youkai=Japanese spirit 

Kami=Japanese god 

Yuki-onna=Ice Youkai with a beautiful women body and with a white skin and long hair

Hobgoblin=A type of weak demon

Nee-san=In this case it's more like rin treat her like his big sister

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