Chapter 9

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Stuck In An Unfortunate Situation 

Stacy's POV.

It's been two hours since Mia has jump into the water and I was livid at Joseph because he was the one that let her go. How could he? She was the only thing that could of kept my alive. I think. But, unfortunately she jumped into the lake. I hope she drown as she did. I was currently in a run down room with Manny, Alex and Felix laying in the bed while Joseph was in the bathroom.

I couldn't sit down because I know that Alpha Anthony is not a forgiving person. And adding gas to the flames wasn't something that should of happen. Now there's no way out of this, unless are heads are on a stake. Let's hope that witch made it. I sigh and rub my temple because all of this is my fault if only the Goddess would of gave my a loving, caring mate one that is understandable towards me.

Felix raised himself from the bed and got close to the window. I gave him a questionable look and what he said sealed my fate. 

"They are here." He turned and ran to the bathroom door banging on it letting Joseph know that we have company. He came out wiping his hands having a mad look on his face. He came over to me and cuddle my face. "I'll be back." He whisper.

I nod because I couldn't form no words right now. This is probably the last time I'll see him, and If something happen to him I know who to blame.

Matthew's POV

As we made our self inside I had this eerie feeling like we were being watched. I looked around and the place was crawling with cobwebs and dust. The air is dry compare to where we was at. "Stay on guard." There was no should only my paws gently touching the ground. Some Warriors changed back into humans but using there wolf senses.

I felt a shiver run along my back and I knew that the enemy was close. I heard trash bins being pushed around and suddenly one came rolling out an alleyway. We all stop; some Warrior went to investigate and in mid air there was a wolf going for the Warrior throat as his head was turned to the side but his mouth is completely open.

I heard quick feet behind me and one of my Warrior quick thinking jump and attacking him striking him in the stomach. Letting him go and quickly attacking his throat, moving his head side to side I heard his neck break. His body went into stock and his body stiff in place. He moved back and we all waited.

It wasn't long after that; that we heard snarling and growling as we just killed one of theirs and now they went blood in returned. We got in formation and was ready for any attack that come our way.

Anthony's POV

I knew something happen where my Beta was at because all of a sudden every wolf that was hiding came out with a murder look their faces. Well two can play that game. I had a reason to be mad and right now they are fueling my fire with gasoline. I notice that they were circling me and my pack. They wanting to attack but was holding back and I was wondering as to why, when a door from a run-down house suddenly open.

Out came the man that was behind all this, Joseph, my body rigid with anger as I leap to his throat. No time for exchanged words. This was the man that been running around destroying pack after pack with the help of Stacy is one thing but kidnapping my Luna is another.

He saw my attack and punch my square in my stomach, making me fall.

"So you're that tough Alpha I've been hearing about, huh?" Joseph asked. "You don't look tough to me."

I quickly got up and without him looking, because he was distracted by my pack snarls that I bite his calf, hard sinking my elongated teeth in. He screamed and I moved my head back and forth. He began to punch me in the face which only pissed me off more. So I let him go, he quickly grab his calf. Looking at the damaged that I cause.

"You're going to regret that." He said charging at me.

I felt a blow to my shoulder and nails going down my left side of my back. I hiss at the pain as it throb. I was breathing heavily as my shoulder burned from the attack. I spin around as I block an attack from him. Grabbing him by the throat and slamming him on the ground. He groan from the pain. I bared my teeth at him telling him to submit, he began to laugh like what just happen was funny.

I walked up to him and I didn't notice his hand as he moved quickly and attack me with sand in the face. I moved back trying to remove the dirt from my eyes with my paws but to no use. I notice how he was trying to move me away from my pack and it was working because they were distracted with fighting off the wolves.

He whistle and his wolves attack mine. I stood up high and growl at him. He's playing me like a fool. I will not be played like one. I went to attack his legs striking him first and trying not to get attack myself.

"That's a low blow, Alpha." Joseph snicker

"I'm glad you know who to give that title too." I comment back. "Because you don't deserve to be one." His brows were moving so fast and his jaw was clutch tight it looked like it was going to break any minute.

"You impatient bastard. You're going to pay for that." He snarl. As he was getting mad then he already is. I thought quickly and decided to run because if he's close to his pack he's not going to attack me like I want him to. As I gave chase I heard him behind me grunting as he went in blind without noticing that he won't be back no time soon.

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