Chapter 10

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Anthony's POV.

The view before me was of a clear area, big enough to host a party of a pack or a fight to the death. It had logs here and there. I knew he wasn't far behind and I also knew that his pack is not coming no time soon and even if they do he be long dead by then.

"This is why you ran. To come to a clearing. Okay, you've made the fight so much better." Joseph sneer looking mad because I let him on a wild goose chase.

"I'm so glad you think so because this is where you're going to die." I said. Striking him first but he dodged it. He began to laugh at me as we moved in circles.

His wolf was bigger then mines but that never stop me from defending what's mines to begin with. And as far as I'm concern Mia it's his. "I'm guessing you're not doing this because you want my mate are you." I said still circling around.

He laugh at that, "No, I could care less about your mate. I just want to destroyed what you have built to the ground just like I have done with all the other packs around the region. The only way to get you to react was to take what was precious to you." He sneer back at me.

And it click. He takes my mate I'll react the way he wants too, but I haven't taken anything that was his. "Do you care about your mate?" I question him which he looks shock as to why I'm even talking about his mate in the first place. He growl and bare his teeth at me, so I have struck a nerve. I bare my teeth back at him, "That's the same way I feel. You've let your mate kidnap mines and you think that I won't strike back. I am. His head turned to the side and I knew he being mind-link.

He looked back at me and began to move toward the same way we both came. "I'll love to see you die but it's not the time. Until next time" He turned and left.

I link with my Beta to see where was his position. I rush over and he gave me a look that said is it done. I shook my head at him. His shoulder dropped. "I know but next time I'll come back with his head off his shoulders and Stacy will see everything. For now regroup. Have you search every house here?"

"Yes, Alpha so far everything is abandon. As of jet there's no words of any movement. Though we did kill half of there pack here. Strange that the Alpha had you running after him." I nod at him.

"Yeah, strange this is that he didn't attack either. Maybe he wanted Stacy to run away and we chase him instead. No worries because they both going to get what's coming for them.

"Just for killing his pack you would of think that he would kill you for that." Beta said.

I looked him straight in the eyes, "I didn't think he even cared about his pack members, because if that was the case he would of helped them and not let them die like that. Regroup and let's head out. I'm missing my mate."

Mia's POV.

I was cold.

The rattling of my bones was evidence of that. The wolf that took me where ever it is that we are going was moving so fast that the wind made my condition worse. So I began to sneeze none stop. He didn't apologize, but I didn't expect him to. I was to cold to form any words. But the questions where in the back of my head.

Why am I still alive?

Who took me out of the water?

My guess would of be my mate. I wonder how is that possible if the mating bond is not complete. I shiver at the thought that maybe one day, it would be. The wolf that carried me kept on taking sharp turns but it seems that it wasn't alone either.

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