Chapter 6

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That female twat better pay me my money if not she and this dumb Luna is going get it. God, she was so obsess with this Luna thing. Like she wasn't one already but knowing Joseph he never was one to settle down. I think he's down fall was when he meet that wolf and everything changed. The moment that she came into the picture our friend was someone else.

I got to the cabin, walking through the door. Watching Stacy curious eyes lit up with excitement. I drop the Luna on the ground not caring if her bones break or not. Stacy smiled and finally lifted her butt off the couch. I sat on her spot as she gave me a dirty look.

"What? I did what you asked. So stop looking at me like I'm the bad guy, which I am." I said. You see I work for Joseph but sometimes Stacy wants to take charge. I, personally don't see the connect that these two have. I know that Stacy don't belong with Joseph because she makes him more crazy then he already is. Stacy got up and went to the room that Joseph was occupying and then moan and slapping was heard. Making my pants feel much smaller then they actually are.

I looked over at the girl that's on the floor, still breathing. I paid her no mind and went to the small kitchen, ramping through the freezer for something to eat. Suddenly, the door open and I looked over out came Stacy and Joseph smiling. Joseph smacking Stacy's butt. To which she enjoy and lean her butt to receive some more action, but Joseph pushed her aside once he notice the girl on the floor.

Joseph crouch in front of her. I know that smile that's playing on his face. That smile that says he wants to play. He jerks her around and she fully wake up screaming.

"Oh, come on sweetheart don't do all that yelling. Is not like someone is going to come and help you." Joseph said. Smiling at her as she took in her surroundings.

"Where- am I?" She questioned.

"A place where you won't ever leave." Stacy said from behind her. Stacy drag her to the door that lead to the basement. Opening it forcedly, and began to drag her body downstairs. Screams could be heard from downstairs, follow by crying and shouting.

Stacy's POV

I walked around Mia whose crying her eyes out. I've been keeping her weak on purpose with the drug that I kept on placing on her face. "You're weak," I spat on her. Pushing her further on the ground as I walked around her. "You don't deserve everything that you have." I said as I came to stop right in front of her.

"Yo- your-pathetic, Sta-Stacy." Mia said weakly. I kick her on her side and she fell forward.

"Are you sure you should be insulting me. Look at the state you're in." I said laughing. Grabbing a chair that's been forgotten and placing it in front of her sitting comfortable on it. "You're weak, and pathetic. Alpha should of never pick you as Luna."

"Funny-, how you speak like this." She said putting herself into a sitting position holding her side with her hand as she continued to speak. "When right before we went to the meeting his willing to work things out with me. So I have a chance with my 'mate'."

That made me angrier I raised  up from the chair and kneel in front of her slapping her face. "You're never leaving this cabin. And as far as I know Anthony didn't finished the mark. Do you know how that's done Mia? By having sex to which you didn't, but I did." Her eyes looked like they are about to come out her body.

I began to laugh at her shock face. What shock me the most was what she said. "He didn't bite you, because if you knew anything about that you have to have sex, yes your right about that but he also has to bite you." She said making her way to the wall trying to level her body up from the floor. I quickly lunged at her and push her into the wall, grabbing her hair and throwing her across the room. Tears was running down her face as she hold her shoulder, to which I'm sure she has a bruise.

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