Chapter 1: Schadenfreude

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Chapter 1: Schadenfreude

Copyright © ViciousIcePrincess. 2015.


❅ Written when I was 12 and a half on 2012.

❅ Slow Update! I mean I've been writing and stopping this for three years already! Hahaha. I'm a busy highschool student in a science high university who's battling out my inner demons. Please forgive me.

❅ Random events in chapters are caused by on the spot writing.

❅ There are some foul words.

❅Not yet copyread thoroughly. Actually, I'm still slowly copyreading.

Proceed at your own risk!

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The freaking hellish beeping of my phone tucked under the silken bed sheets drove the hell out of me. My eyes are forced to open just to be welcomed by the rays of the sun penetrating through the blinds.

"Hello mom?" I greet seconds before I could even press the green answer button.

Mom decided to leave for work abroad and I've always been alone with household chores and just basically living a semi-independent life. I knew for sure that this call is one of the mediums of communication she uses every other day to check if I'm still alive and breathing.

"Good eve sweetie." Her overly enthusiastic voice just doesn't fit with my morning sickness.

"It's morning here." And I just hate it. I almost got fooled by her greeting, almost as if I really believed it was evening. I wish it was so I could roll off my bed and just snooze again.

Speaking of morning, the ancient clock attached to pavement points its hands at exactly thirty minutes before classes starts, and my brain just realized that I'm so so so...


"What?" Mom answered in a bewildered voice after I cut off her usual morning speech.

"Nothing mom! Big time rush!"

"Oh oka—"

I got out of bed to step into a cool shower, waking up my sleepy head with the help of the icy frigid water. I picked a casual black outfit like I always do, almost like a guy not caring about looks, all of these in a quarter of an hour.

Before I could go out and embarrass myself for looking like a witch, I took a glance in the life-size mirror seeing my black long hair already reaching my elbows. I tied it into two tiny braids on the top sides, connecting them to the middle back of my head, and letting the rest of my shiny hair flow on my shoulders. After making myself look pleasant enough, I couldn't stop staring at the mirror and think of the present.

I'm just a typical eighteen-year old girl living my life alone here in Cathantus city. I don't really remember clear memories of my father because he already died when I was still three. Even though it was what everyone told me, I never saw his grave or even knew the reason why, where and how he died.

Not that I don't trust my family. But I have doubts on what they're saying.

Being a normal student in Caspadona University made me sick of life despite being a top student, part of the student council and such. I want to change it into something more thrilling. You know, something like a roller coaster in the middle of outer space, if that makes sense.

I started my way out the doorway without being able to eat breakfast. After a several minutes of consecutive sprinting, I crouched and crawled my way to my seat but it didn't go according to plan. Professor Erick Edwards called out my name with delight and sarcasm.

He repeated my name once again. "Xeleria?"

"Present sir!" I immediately popped straight standing up before others even catch me crawling like a cockroach. Oh, that doesn't even crawl. Fine, like a worm. Atleast they're eco-friendly unlike roaches.

I paced towards my seat at the corner of the room while wiping the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand. Whew, I'm finally safe.

A glimpse of a stranger seated adjacent my direction was caught in my peripheral view. He wore a black shirt, fashionable Vans and almost everything he wore was dark making him mysteriously charismatic. I like black fashion. He fits it.

"Who's that guy?" I curiously whispered to my best friend and seatmate, Zander.

"New crap." He answered uninterested.

"Who crap would transfer schools this late?"

"I wonder. Maybe that crap's an oddball?"

Before I could even answer, professor E interrupted. "Xeleria?"

Oh crap.

"Kindly explain the words on the board." He continued in a challenging manner.


I looked at the infamous word scribbled on the board with no definite idea on how to explain it but maybe improvising and faking intelligence would get me through this.

"Sir, I heard this word before but I don't celarly remember what it meant. Either way, I think it has something do to with human emotions. It portrays the way we express ourselves." I might've been the real crap here if I haven't invented a way to respond to make it look like I knew what I was saying.

"Do you agree with her, mister?" He targeted the new student that was clothed in black.

He continued his business, scribbling something on a blue piece of crap, I meant paper. He didn't even respond even though we all know that he's aware of an annoyed Professor E standing right up on his face.

"Can you stand up and tell us your thoughts like what Xeleria did?" It sounded more like a command rather than a question though.

I glanced at him and our eyes met, making me look away. It felt like he just made a sinister smile in that instant second.

He finally stood up and answered. "I think she just twisted words as if she knew the answer. What she said about it being about human emotions was kind of precise but I bet she just guessed that."

Oh crap, he got me.

"What?" I abruptly questioned him to defend myself.

He looked pointlessly confident like his smirk earlier was really meant for me. "The word schadenfreude is the enjoyment of seeing the troubles of others. An example is me doing it. I'm amused seeing you suffer now."

He's definitely a sadist.

Before I could fire back and proclaim my own inner defensiveness, professor E praises the crap instead of scolding him for being rude. "Excellent answer! You've exceeded my expectations as a new student."

After a few minutes, the bell rang and all of my classmates rushed their way out the room in a jiffy.

When I checked for the hall to look for people, this new crap blocked the door and looked at me with the same kind of sinister manner a while back.

I gazed away and stuffed my notes into my bag. Despite not looking at him anymore, I still could feel a pair of eyes watching every move I made. After organizing my books, I turned back at him only find out that he vanished like a ghost leaving me in silence.





Smile :)


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