Out of Time | Part 1

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Barry Allen, sitting in a room full of Central City's finest, impatiently looking at his watch from time to time. He suddenly feels as if something is about to happen, or is it supposed to? He can't quite distinguish the two.

His phone beeps. It's Cisco Ramon.

CISCO: Just got an alert for potential  metahuman activity.
BARRY: I'm in a meeting. Can't be there.
CISCO: Sure, it's not like you're the fastest man alive! Reminds me of the meme- how you are the fastest man alive but still late to your work 😂
BARRY: Fastest, but I can't be in two places at once. That's Reverse Flash's thing. And I'm at work right now.
CISCO: I'm going to notify my other two favorite speedsters, then. Enjoy!

Wally's phone beeps. It's Cisco Ramon.

WALLY: Alright, I'm going to be there in a Kid Flash!
CISCO: Stop that 🙄
WALLY: He he he 🤪

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