🔱 Chapter 15 🔱

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Not edited.


Abidah felt someone's hot breath flutter against the back of her neck. It made her shiver.

"Didn't you hear Prym say not to touch anything?" He spoke low but his close proximity caused his voice to ring out right above her ear. Her eyes widened in shock.

She watched as he pulled the book from the shelf, his tall frame casting a dark shadow over her. Abruptly, she spun around, her face smacking into his chest.

"Careful." He said as he held on to her shoulders while she grabbed her nose that had squished painfully against him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice sounding nasally.

Staring up at his cerulean blue eyes she felt herself being sucked into them, and for a moment she completely forgot she had questioned him.

"I saw you disappear behind the bookshelf and just felt like you were about to get yourself in trouble so I followed you. And it seems I was right." He flipped the book over in his hands, observing the cover.

Abidah scowled. Lifting her hand she placed her palm against his chest and pushed him a few steps away from her.

"I was not about to get into trouble, and just so you know I wasn't the one that took the book down from the shelf." She flipped her hair over her shoulder then folded her arms across her chest. "If anyone's about to get in trouble it's you."

Just as she said that a loud smack was heard and the prince let out a yelp.

"Hey, what was that for?" he yelled as he turned around to look at his attacker.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch anything?" it was Prym. Abidah smirked as he got smacked again, this time across the shoulder. "Put it back."

Aide quickly shoved the book back into its rightful place then turned to Abidah with a glare. Her smile widened. Serves you right.

"Come along now, I've found what I was looking for." Said Prym who was hefting an incredibly thick book in her hands. Abidah, who was dying to finally get some answers to her problems, trailed behind Prym as she led them back to the others. Aide grudgingly followed behind them.

The book landed with a heavy thud as Prym dropped it on the table, she released a heavy sigh and dusted her hands off then went on to open the book. Dust flew everywhere as she spun the pages and Abidah thought that this book might have come from somewhere else rather than on the shelves.

Abidah was getting anxious. What if they couldn't find anything in the book that would help them? She had already come a long way and if she couldn't find answers here then she was well and truly out of luck.

"Ah, I found it." Prym finally said. She had stopped at a page and was scouring through it using her index finger as a guide. They all drew closer to look at what she had discovered but to their surprise the pages were blank.

Abidah's brows furrowed.

"Is this some kind of joke?" asked Maurie incredulously, her question directed at Prym.

Slowly Prym raised her eyes, peering over the top of the spectacles she had put on. "I assure you I am not. I reside in the world of magic, the eyes of the mundane have no power here so don't start questioning things you know nothing about."

Abidah watched as Maurie pursed her lips in annoyance then turned her eyes away from the saucy woman. She switched her gaze from her sister and onto the book, after a few minutes of staring at the blank pages blurry letters started to appear. She gasped in surprise. Turning her head to Aide who was standing to her left she witnessed the same look of surprise crossing his face as their eyes met.

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