Momento Mori #1

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   Such tales of despair are never ment to be written, yet the dead remember more than the living. I should had known that. Blood I taste, the chaos that made it that way, all mine. The tree had burned and I lost my friends all in one day. Depressed was the least of the feelings I felt. Confusion, pain, suffering, regret, but ultimately, what I felt was betrayed. I felt as if my friends, beliefs, and everything had betrayed me. I stood there with my lips gone my eyes opened, and my hate exposed. Why did she not come back, why did he leave, and why was I so weak. I was never ment to be a ruler, and I was never ment to know what my life could have been. Now I stare at this burnt mirror, able to see the past, but not the future, and never again shall I see myself. It just served as a reminder, remember, we die. Twilight did, and I'm that which remained.

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