Póg An Bháis (Kiss Of Death)

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Her screams fell on the dead ears of soldiers but to me, they were more painful than any injuries I've yet to endure.  The ropes cut into my skin as I tried to keep up with the horses dragging me to Cruálacht.  I am thankful she was left behind because the king underestimated my wife. 

He must know I took Anna against her will but didn't foresee our marriage as anything but unfortunate for the princess.  I am counting on his belief of winning the favor of King George but Anna loves me.  She will fight for us and that includes fighting for the support of A Stór.  She could use that as leverage with the council to win their favor over Alexander. 

My bride is smart and will use every resource available to her, not just to save me but our kingdom.

I am exhausted and every few steps I fall, causing me to be drug by the soldier's horses.  My wrists must be broken and my feet bleeding as I walked until nightfall.  My night was spent tied to a tree then two more days of torture as I was drug behind a horse. 

When my injuries became too much I was thrown on a wagon for another day travel with only water and no food.  I can still hear my wife's screams no matter if I am in or out of consciousness.  I pray she returned safely to the council and when my death comes King George takes her back to A Stór or sends her to safety in France.  My stepmother will have my wife's death if Alexander takes the throne.

After three days travel movement finally stopped and I was drug from the wagon as my feet no longer work and I'm too weak to fight, none the less hold my head up high.

"Take him to the dungeon, the king wants to see him right away." One man said and I was drug away then tied to the ceiling with chains before more were added to my feet. 

The pain is unbearable and my screams of agony only brought on more pain. 

"Finally, we meet.  Welcome to my Kingdom." I heard in a deep voice.  "I am King Samuel and I'm delighted by your arrival."

I stayed quiet, knowing no words could help, but only prolong the torture.

I heard a chair scoot and the man must of sat because his voice seemed lower than myself.  My head hung from weakness.

"I was willing to let you rule, an alliance maybe but then you married the princess.  Tell me, how long until war would have broken out with A Stór?  Taking the kings daughter was a mistake." He laughed. "Did you think a marriage would have gained you an alliance?"

I hung quietly.

"Speak to me!" He yelled.

"She gave herself to me freely," I muttered.

He laughed.  "I knew your father, a fool of a man that's hunger for power killed him.  You are no different and now your kingdom will fall.  You will suffer greatly before I allow the kiss of sweet death to take you.  Then your bride will be mine, I will take her as my own now that I have freed her from your clutches.  Your bother is a mere child and I'll have his head before I take A Stór as my own."

"She will kill you as the white witch of A Stór, you underestimate my queen." I muttered.

"Foolishness!  She is a young woman with desires left for men to fill.  I will take her, while you watch then make her mine." He snarled.

"You let her live and for that, you will die.  We ruled together and in my absence she is queen." I spoke as loudly as possible through the pain.

"I let her live to gain King George's trust but with your army and mine, I will prevail." He scooted his chair and leaned down to my ear.  "Your stepmother is in the palm of my hands and your brother will take the throne.  I can have that lovely bride within my grasp in only moments."

I managed a laugh.  "King George is already making an alliance and my council will not allow Alexander to take the throne.  Not if there is a chance to join with A Stór."

"I saved the king's daughter!" He yelled.

"No, you've scorned her." I'm getting too weak.  "Your plan is to fail."

That is the last thing I remember before water was splashed on me and suddenly I am being flogged.  Each sting of the lashing brings me closer to death but I imagine Anna and she takes me away.  Further from reality and closer to her as I dont even make a sound.

"Sir, he doesn't even scream." I heard one man say.

"Take him down and offer food.  The King wants him alive until the white witch arrives with King George's blessing."

No, that can't happen.  Her father would never send her into the arms of this monster.  I have to do something but I can barely open my eyes. 

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