Grásta Dé (God's Grace)

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"No man can resist your request but your soulmate will surrender to you. When he does, you will love him and protect his kingdom with your life." My father said.

"Did he surrender to you, Annalise?" My mother asked.

"Yes, he gave me his dagger and told me to use it," I said.

She looked at my father. "It is written." She said and he nodded.

"The grace of God runs through your veins, you are his grace." He said.

"Why do you keep repeating that?" I asked.

"Legend says God sent an angel to the first King to restore grace into his heart and every firstborn daughter through our line has been able to do the same." She said. "The angel became his Queen and with fairy dusted eyes she helped restore peace."

"More Irish folklore?" I said.

"I don't know but I managed to restore your father's and look what we built together. The same was for my mother and hers." She said.

My mother is superstitious and that doesn't mean I believe her lore, but if my father believes it he may just help me.

"Father, I need your alliance. If not King Samuel will rule three countries." I said.

"War is not to be taken lightly." He said.

"War should never be, but we will be fighting evil and restoring God's grace on everyone. With your Army, we could defeat King Samuel and the Celtic nations could finally see peace." I stood.

"Are you doing this for your Kingdom or vengeance?" He asked.

"Whether my husband lives or not, we must end this terror. King Samuel has been raising troops, not just in Cogadh and Lámhach but also in A Stór to defeat you." I said.

"I cannot just pull my men into a war on a whim. I must have time to counsel your mother and my own council in A Stór." He said.

"Then we will leave for A Stór first thing tomorrow. I have an Army raised but with yours not as many lives will be lost. Must I get on my knees, father?" I begged him.

He shook his head. "We must rest first then address your council. There is an heir we must consider." He said.

"If I do not defeat King Samuel with my husband alive I will be betrothed to Alexander," I said.

"He is but a child." My mother gasped.

"That is his stand as long as he allows me to stand proxy, we must hurry," I said.

My father let out a deep frustrated breath.

"That's not all," I said as I gave him pleading eyes. "I received word from King Samuel."

My mother stood and faced me before I spoke. "He said if I give myself to him freely, he will spare your lives."

My dad's hand fell. "He made a threat upon A Stór and my daughter." He muttered. "Who else knows?" He asked.

"Nobody, I did not want anyone to know before you. That is my gift of loyalty to you." I said.

"Good, I need that message to show our council." He said and looked at my mother and she gave him an approving nod.

"How long do we have?" He asked and I reached for the letter tucked safely into my breast to hand it to him. "It has not left my sight," I assured him.

"Round up your council and your men. We will speak to them today and leave at first light."

I bowed to my father once again. "Thank you, his grace."

I arranged the council and for fresh horses to travel back to A Stór. My father met with the council and they agreed to my demands but only with my father's alliance. I am being forced to take Alexander for the trip as he will be present in case of Liam's demise. Dinner was served in my private quarters and I requested Miss Fitzgibbons to stay with me.

My fate is sealed with or without Liam but my mother's concern is whether I am with child, as she explained better than Liam that timing is everything. I very well could be with the child but we will not know soon enough. If I am with child, Alexander will have no claim on the throne and I will not be forced to marry him.

My parents left and I turned to Miss Fitzgibbons.

"I need a potion that will send a man to his grave. One that will not need to be consumed."

"Who is the intended?" She asked.

"The very evil plaguing the lands," I answered.

She gave me a sly smile. "One prick of the finger and he will fall to your feet."

"How long does it take to work?" I asked.

"No more than a quarter hour but I need my herbs in A Stór."

"Do I dare ask why you have such herbs?" I almost laughed when she gave me a deep stare.

"The father of my lost child." She said and my heart shattered. "King Allistair."

Silence took me. She said he forced himself of maidens which shook me to my core. I had no idea such evil hid behind such kindness. I will not ask any further questions.

I dreamed of Liam again, just like every night. He was holding me, making promises and telling me about our future. A future I pray for almost every minute of the day. I miss those blue eyes and his soft blonde hair but I also miss his touch, that soothing voice and his faith, not just in God but in us.

We left before the morning sun appeared to light our way. I watched from my parents carriage as a new dawn approached. We are no longer led by the light of the moon, I now feel hopeful with the new dawn that I will again be held in his safe arms and he will be returned to me.

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