Fís (Vision)

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It has been another week and when I woke during the night something came to me.  My vision, I looked next to me and the fire flickered on my beautiful wife's face. 

She reminds me so much of my mother with her kindness but I am so thankful for her strength which is something my mother lacked. 

I reached over and moved the hair from her face and she took my breath away.  This is the first time I have seen this face in weeks and she looks like an angel. 

The pain has lessened and I will never tell Anna but her rosemary oil and lavender baths have soothed me. I smell like a woman but I won't complain.  I would do anything for this angel. 

Who elses wives have won them a kingdom?  She did all of this but is happy just being at my side.  She doesn't care for the power or the attention, she only cares for my attention.  I am by far the luckiest man alive, I even talked her into sleeping nude and once again fell asleep with her breast in my hand.  I only actually do it to annoy her.

I got my kiss finally about a week ago but she won't give in on any kind of playfulness until I am back at full strength.  This is probably good because I am not sure my body could give her what she needs. 

I think back to the four words I thought when I first looked into her eyes.

Holy shit, I'm in trouble.

Then as my solicitor explained the trouble I got myself into I knew my world had changed once again.  Anna told me of the tale her mother told her in A Stór and unlike my bride, I believe it.  A man like myself would never fall in love so quickly, let alone so deeply.  I am also a believer in God and his miracles, Anna is the only proof I needed to believe.

Even when the maiden Rose had her pregnancy scare, I didn't care a bit for the girl.  This one though, this one stole my heart right away and I offered my life for her loyalty.  I surrendered to a rumored witch, I must have been under a spell but I love Anna.  My love may be graced by God but it is pure and true.  I would lay down my life for her and not even question why.  I am at her mercy and I believe she is at mine. 

I drifted back off to sleep.  I dreamed of my mother again and the love she showed me.  A love I didn't know again until Anna.  A love that almost killed three nations if it weren't for my stubborn and brave wife. 

I felt the bed move so I opened my eyes.  "I have to say, you have the nicest behind I have ever seen."

She turned and smiled.  "You can see?"

Damn, now I see everything. 

"I see the most beautiful angel God ever created."

"Ahh" I cried out when she jumped on me and hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe.  My body still feels pain but I will endure it for Anna.

"I am so happy!" He lifted her head and kissed me.


"We have to get you walking today!" She said when she broke our kiss. 

"I will if you don't kill me first." I groaned.

"Oh!  I'm so sorry." She backed off.

"You are a sight for sore eyes." They aren't perfect but they work.

"I have council but when I am done I'll come straight back." She climbed out of bed.

"I've waited weeks to see the sight of you.  Turn, let me see you." I sat back and took in the view.

"You've been eating well, I see."

I dodged a pillow when she threw it at me. 

"You spoiled...King!" She laughed.

"I am far from spoiled.  Deprived of my wife is more like it."

"You heal, then I will spoil you." I watched as she put on her shift and reached for her robe.

"This reminds me, I have a strange memory," I said.

"Of what?"

"You umm..did you show up here in your wedding shift?"

Her face turned red.

"I wore a corset under." She said.

"Please explain why over 40,000 men saw my wife in her shift."

She tied her robe then looked at me.  "My broach was poisoned and I needed to give him a reason to touch it."

"He would have touched it no matter what you wore," I said.

"I needed him aroused."

"For Christ sakes, Anna.  You had over 40,000 men aroused!  Hell, I'm aroused when you're within 100 feet and covered in all those damn layers."

"That's because you are my husband." She said.

"No, it's because I'm a man.  My poor brother is probably still having inappropriate dreams.  You are usually beautiful, Anna, you know it's true and you have never denied it."

"I am a spoiled princess." She teased.

"You are a queen who had an army follow her with 40,000 erections." I crossed my arms.

"Ugh, make that 39,998, my father and brother? It wasn't that bad, Liam.  Besides, how did you see me?"

"I had partial vision at that time and I would know that shift anywhere.  I will never live this down." I said and she laughed.

"No man would tease the King about his wife's shift."

"Please tell me your father tried to talk you out of it."

Who am I kidding?  Anna does what she pleases.

"My brother was the worst!" She laughed.

"I am sure realizing his sister hides a body like yours under those layers has scarred the man," I said.

"Good, he is a pain." She said as she walked over to my side of the bed.

"No worries, no other man has or ever will touch me." She leaned in and pecked my lips.

"Rest so you can get better, I miss my beauty sleep."

I pulled her in for a deeper kiss and she moaned.  Christ, how long can a man wait?

She pulled away.  "I have council, then we will have a hearty lunch."

Validus (Book Two Part One Of The White Witch Of A Stór Series)Where stories live. Discover now