A Maorga (Her Majesty)

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"Her Majesty, Queen Annalise"

The guard announced me and I walked into the room as men gave me the proper greeting.  It's my third day presiding over the appointment of the new Cruálacht council with a group of nobleman who were sympathetic to our cause. 

"Thank you, gentlemen." I stood at the head of the table with my father, brother, Prince Alexander, Prince Albert, Lord Gilbert, Lord Sheridan and Lord Baird.

I sat and they followed.

"Have we narrowed down the list?" I asked.

Lords Gilbert, Sheridan and Baird have already been chosen but we need several more.  We went through each name and arranged for them to have an audience with me to make a decision.

"We also have the Bishop but why has he not graced us with his presence?" I asked.

"He is still tending to the families of the dead." Lord Baird, who is a cousin to the Lord Baird from our own council said.

We spent hours going over each man's history until finally, we narrowed down the list.  My mind keeps drifting back to the King. 

"May we speak bluntly, your majesty?" Mr. Baird said.

"If you must," I said.

"It's been days now and we have not heard from the King.  We fear an exchange at the throne if he does not see us soon." He said.

"You do understand he experienced torture and severe injuries during his captivity?"

"Yes, we do understand but his life has not been shown to us yet.  How are we to know he is to recover?" He asked.

"I just spoke to the King as he enjoyed a meal and is now resting.  He is recovering and will soon address his council and his court.  Until that time I will receive counsel from him." I said.

"I myself have spoken to the King and he is on the mend," Alexander said.

"We have to be patient but the people want assurance their new King is strong." Lord Sheridan spoke.

"They can hear from their Queen and their Prince.  Our word will have to be just until their King gains his strength." I said.

"The Queen has proven her strength." My father said.

These men are snobbish and ungrateful for what we have given them.

"Yes, she has shown great strength but she is just the Queen Consort." Lord Gilbert said.

"My daughter is your Queen and you will address her as such.  She rules aside her husband and is the Queen Regent." My father said.

"We will wait patiently but prefer for the King to address us all before his departure." He said.

I stood so all the men stood with me.  "If you have any appreciation for your seat on this council you will know your place.  The final decision from our King has not been made so you best tread lightly at my feet."

"Yes, your majesty." He said then bowed.

"I will attend to my husband then we will have a fine feast to celebrate our victory over evil," I said and they all bowed as I left the room.

This palace is massive with riches beyond what A Stór, Cogadh or Lámhach had known.  We have gained wealth and as I walk through the palace halls I dream of someday building Cogadh to be so beautiful.  Gardens of beautiful flowers and trims of tapestry made of gold and luxuries I've never dreamed of being at my fingertips.  I must wonder at what price this palace was built.  I have heard of struggles the citizens have endured. 

Pheador walks at my side.  "Has the census been started?" I asked.

"Yes, just as you ordered." He said.

"I want to know what needs the people have and if necessary we will make sale of these luxuries."

"Your Majesty, King Samuel had great wealth." He said.

"Then we will use it to improve the lives of the people straight away.  No more unfair taxing, it is what King Charles would want and it shall be done." I said.

"We have sent for provisions and ordered the Laird's to not collect taxes for this month.  We will pay the Laird's the taxes they deserve." He said.

"I want to meet with the Lairds.  Please do make arrangements." I said as we walked toward the King's chambers.

"As you wish." He said as we stopped in front of my destination.  He bowed and took his leave as the guards opened the double doors. 

I sat on a chair next to my husband's bed and watched him sleep.  I understand my husband, everything he has done and all the pressure he faces.  I have been Queen Regent for only weeks now and he was trained for it since birth.  I never had many responsibilities, not compared to the man that lays in this bed.  I was educated, raised to be a wife and obedient Queen but all of this responsibility is more than one person could possibly have on their own.

I reached for his hand and held it.  I now understand Daniel's death and the weight on Liam's shoulders.  I have the stain of taking life on my own soul now, so we carry many of the same sins.  I kissed his hand and he stirred. 

"I love you." I felt the first tear fall.

"I led an army and saved them but they still don't believe in me," I whispered.  "I need you, Liam.  I need you to rule as king beside me.  I had only two full nights as your Queen before they took you from me."

My tears fell.  "You are and always will be my greatest love, before the people and before our countries.  We are one." I held his hand to my cheek as my tears ran down his hand. 

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