Míorúiltí (Miracles)

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I took my seat and the rest of council sat after I sat down.  We decided my father and brother would stay on as council and will provide guidance through messenger then make quarterly visits.  Liam agreed to it as he sat with my father behind closed doors for a few hours yesterday.

"I have great news." I smiled from ear to ear.  "The King's vision has been restored."

"That is terrific news.  Will he be making Council soon?" Lord Baird asked.

"I believe so and this Queen will catch up on some well-needed beauty sleep." They all chuckled.

"I must say my daughter glows today." My father said.

"I have a great reason.  My husband, your King, is returning to us." I looked at the much larger council.  We have made many decisions this week and things are looking very bright.

"Have we received any part of the census?" I asked.

"Yes, the northern portion." I was handed a paper from Pheador and looked it over. 

"These people have been suffering greatly.  Have their Laird's accepted my request for an audience?" I asked.

"Yes, we have them coming in one week's time.  I will add it.." The doors suddenly opened and I stood which of course the men followed.

"Your Majesty!" The men called out and bowed.

What is he doing here?  I curstied but I am confused as Liam limped with the assistance of a cane into council.

"Your Majesty, I was not expecting you.." He cut me off.

"My wife informed me there will be no fun until I am healed." He gave me a sly smile.  "I must prove my strength." He said and I blushed as I stepped aside for him to sit in my seat and the men cleared their throats.

"Please make room for your Queen at the other head of the table." He said.

Lord Stafford made a seat available while Liam slowly sat and I made my way to the empty seat.

"My Queen believes we will let her off easily and she will sleep through council." I sat and the men followed.  "I believe she has earned her seat at the council and I am sure you all agree beauty sleep is unnecessary." The men agreed. 

Bloody traitors.

"Your Majesty, please catch me up." He looked at me.

"The paper in front of you has the northern census," I said and he looked it over.

"What are we going to do about this, it is a mess." He said.

"The Laird's will be here next week to discuss why and how things got this terrible," I said.

"Do we have a solution?" He asked.

The men spoke all at once and he raised his hand.  "One at a time, please."

There he is, my King is back to work.  As he speaks and listens I see how intelligent he is while I would have lost my cool by now.  The men were patient with me, I now see this but I feel eyes on me, the eyes of my father.  He has a small satisfied smile on his face.

They spoke about the Laird's then the finances of the Kingdom.

"Our Queen has worked hard and I see we have made great strides.  We should now discuss the new rule.  There is still no word of an heir?" He asked and I haven't told him anything yet, I just found out myself.

"A nephew has stepped forward, the bastard son of the King's late brother in Italy."

"Why is this the first time I am hearing of him?" He asked.

"I just found out myself as I received a letter in my chambers this morning," I said. 

"This is news to council?" He asked.

"Yes, we had just started as you arrived," I said.

"Is there proof to back up his claim?" The King asked.

"Just the testimony of his mother," I said.

"That will not suffice, Lord Sheridan, as solicitor of the King I do request a full investigation." He said.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

I got bored for the first time.  My mind wonders to my duties as Queen.  I have a palace to run, events to plan and I must hear from the ladies of the court. 

"Does my Queen have anything else to add?" He asked.

"No, I do believe we are finished." I just want this meeting to be over. 

"We are adjourned."

The men stood and so did I but my husband has other plans.

"Queen Annalise, please do stay.  The rest of you please take your leave."

Liam stayed sat so I again took my seat as everyone left.

"Why sit so far from your King?" He asked.

I stood and walked toward him and pulled out a chair but he pulled me down on his lap.

"What are you doing?"

"This is your proper place when we are alone." He kissed my neck.

He is awfully chipper for a man recovering from torture and confinement.

"You should be resting," I said.

"I've rested enough for a lifetime unless you want your King going mad with boredom." He reached down for the hem of my dress.

"Not here," I whispered as he kissed my neck.

He turned my face toward him.  "Now!" He said and slammed his lips on mine. 

His kiss always makes me shiver but right now he is creating a need inside me. 

There was a knock on the door and he groaned.

"What?" He yelled in an angry tone and I sat up then fixed my hair as a guard opened the door and bowed. 

"The Queen is due at court for her ladies meeting." He said. 

"Cancel it, the Queen is otherwise occupied with her King." He ordered.

I stood.  "Your Majesty, many of these ladies are widowed now after the battle and they are displaced.  Time is of the essence for their families." I said.

He groaned.  "Fine, I will attempt to take a tour of the Kingdom if my body will allow.  I will see you before dinner." He looked at the guard.  "She will have her exit after a short moment of privacy."

The guard bowed.  "Yes, Your Majesty." He then backed out and shut the door.

"You have many responsibilities." He said.

"I do."

"Do you want to attend council in the mornings?  I do plan to attend." He said.

I shook my head.  "I would rather not my lord.  I have many other responsibilities." I reminded him.

"Your beauty sleep?" He asked.

"I believe I will need it come soon." I said with a smile.

"I do have plans for your nights." He reached for my hand.  "You may need your rest." He kissed it then smiled up at me.

He has no idea.

Validus (Book Two Part One Of The White Witch Of A Stór Series)Where stories live. Discover now