The Beginning

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Tara was there. All the others have been gone, but she was still there. She saw Dipper fighting with Bill. He was so desperate. He screamed and suffered. His clothes was teared and bloodied.
She wanted to help him, so she rushed towards him and used her magic to get Bill out of Dippers head.
But something different happened. Something that she could explain. There was a flash of light and she was somewhere else.

It was different from the real world. Everything was so full of different things and... memories. It strucked her. She was in Dippers head. But there was no one there. Only her.

"Dipper!!" she yelled. But that was a mistake. The ground under her feet crumbled and she fell into nothingness.


Dipper didn't know what to do. Bill was in his head and he was winning. The demon got stronger from the last time and Dipper didn't have a chance to beat him now, especially on his own. He traded his mind, for the safety of his family. Did he regretted it? No, of course not. His family was safe and that was all that mattered to him. And he had to fight now to protect them.

"Give up Pinetree, you can't win this fight, you know you can't. I'm the all powerful demon and you're just a kid." Bill said.

Dipper was on his knees. "I know. But I can at least weaken you, so that the others can defeat you once and for all!" he shouted.

He tried to stand up, but heard someone shout his name. Bill noticed it to.

Bill chuckled. "Ah, if that isn't one of your friends? Should I invite her to the party?" and he snapped his fingers.

Tara landed next to Dipper. Even if this was in a mind, it still hurt. She caught her eyes onto Bill and standed up.

"Well, hello witch, how was the flight?"

"You shut up, you dorito, I will end you!" she yelled at him. She looked next to her a took Dipper's hand.

"You shouldn't be here, Bill promised to send you all away." Dipper said.

"He said all humans. I'm only half human. And I'll need your help." she whispered to Dipper.

"Oh that's really offending, I'm not a dorito. But you can't defeat me, I'm immor-." but he was cut off when they attacked him. Bill was nothing but a demon, so he could have been defeated by some spell.

It worked. Partially. If they haven't been so close to him, mabey they would have just died. But the energy from him must have gone somewhere . And the closest two things were Dipper and Tara.
There was a big explosion. Everyone in Gravity Falls saw it. Mabel, Stan and Ford were in safety. The last thing they saw, was that Dipper made some kind of deal with Bill and they were sent away. Everyone was here, except gor Dipper and Tara. Mabel cried over her brother and her friend. They promised to keep each other safe. But it was over. They were dead.

Dipper woke up. He was in the woods.
He felt diffrent. His body was numb and he felt that something was off. He touched his face. He notuced that his teeth were sharper, his ears were pointier. He tried to stand up, and felt something on his back he looked and saw a pair of black wings.

"Oh shit. What happend to me?" he freaked out. He tried to remember what happened. Bill. Tara. Bright light.

Wait. He thought. "Tara! Where are you!?" he screamed into the woods.

He heard some ruffling in the bushes and turnd towards them. He then saw het. His frend had similar changes like him, except her wings were grey and bigger. And her eyes. They were pitch black with silver slits.

"Dipper?" she said. Her voice was bit cracked.

"Tara, oh my gosh, I'm so glad that you're alive." he stepped towards her and hugged her tightly. "I thougt you were dead."

"I thought the same about you." she replied.

Both were confused. What happened to them? And what happened to Bill? These questions swirled in their heads.
They spent hours in the woods and tried to figure out what happened. They found the answer. Bill died and they became demons.

Story of two DreamdemonsWhere stories live. Discover now