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Tara and Dipper screached in agony while their physical forms were torn apart and put together again and again. Their spirits were thrown out of their bodies and binded back to the body. It felt like forever for it to stop.

Then suddenly peace. Bliss of calmness and no feelings. No anger, fear or love. And complete silence, that was almost deafening, although amazing. The complete lack of light and darkness. The feeling that everything is gone and only you exist. Or do you? Is this even real? Thoughts swirled in space, where there was everything and also nothing. Nothing to make you feel.

If only this could last forever. But everything ends.

Tara woke up. She was in a strange place. She felt magical energy, also there was something more. When she opened her eyes she was in a field. The grass had crimson red color amd the sky burned with all shades of orange and yellow. The light wind felt like it was breezing your spirit. She sat up properly and looked at her clothes. She noticed that her purple coat was completely torn up and her jeans were shorts now. She looked around, and beside her was Dipper, still unconscious.

Should I wake him up? She asked herself. Mabey not.

Before she could think furthermore, Dipper's eyes flickered and opend. He slowly sat up and looked at Tara. His hair was a complete mess, that his birthmark could be seen, and his clothes didn't look that good either. His vest was gone and his red t-shirt had few holes in it.

"What happened?" he asked, barely getting the words out of his mouth.

"I don't know, I can't remember anything." She responded to him.

Dipper run his hand through his hair. "The last thing I remember is Ford point a gun at us... Oh." he stopped and looked like he realised something. A feeling of betrayal ran through his body. How coud the person he looked up to try to kill him? He was his great uncle after all. And no one even try to stop him. Not Stan, not even his sister.

Tara seemed not to remember. But when she saw Dipper stop and look with a piercing sad and angry stare, she remember.

"He shot at us. " she lightly murmured. She put her arms around her body and closed her eyes. She felt sick. She had bitter feeling on her tongue and her rib cage felt like it would explode. She hated feelings. Even that she was a demon now, didn't change the fact that emotions can hurt you. Mabey she didn't have a soul when she was still part human, although now she felt that there was something more. As if the void in her being was filled. And it felt... off.

The silence lasted for some time, until Dipper finaly spoke.

"Do you trust me?"

Tara looked at him confused. "What kind of question is that? Of course I trust you."

Dipper smirked. "Since I found the journal I thought that everything in it was something good. All those things in it changed my life for better, those moments that I felt that my life had a meaning. Hunting monsters, exploring the supernatural. But now that I think about it, I shouldn't have trusted it. If I never found it, this wouldnt happen. Gravity Falls would still be this weird place, me and Mabel would still be trusting each other no matter what and Bill would still be in his stupid dimension."

Tara sighed and sat right next to Dipper and softly leaned on his shoulder.''Don't say things like this. If you never found it, we'd never met in the woods. Do you remember it? Ha, when you fell down that ditch and I had to drag you outta there, but insted I fell in it too? Fun times. But you said it. The journal gave you meaning. That is better than living a boring life, just waiting for death to claim you.It's worth it, even if it takes a big toll.'' she chuckeled a bit. ''Look at us now, two kids sittng in this weird field talking about this supernatural shit.'' She looke into Dipper's face. He didn't say anything nor moved.

She reached into her pocket and took out an MP3 player. She was glad that it still worked. Why wouldn't it, it was enchanted to never break or need any sort of energy. Even the earphones were untouched, unlike some of her clothes. She offered one of the earphones to Dipper and he accepted it without any response, only by taking it and plugging it in his ear. She chose one of the first songs she saw there and played it. She closed her eyes and listened.

Golden lies feed my role

This forgotten space race under my control

Who’s returned from the dead?

Who remains?

You wanted more than I was worth

And you think I was scared, yeah

And you needed proof

Who really cares anymore?

Who restrains?

You know that I don’t love you and I never did

I don’t love you and I never will

The music slowly faded away. It left a weird, sad atmosphere. This really is hyper chondriac.


Am I still alive? Partly yes. I've been sick for the past 3 weeks and I feel pretty exhausted. My project 'Throne Of Sorcerers' is, well, in progres and I'm trying to settle some of the characters' designs. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, because I'm going back to school and I'm going to have tons of exams. I hope that I'm gonna survive it.

(I didn't spell check btw, so don't hate me)

Story of two DreamdemonsWhere stories live. Discover now