What The Hell Is This Place... Oh Mabey Hell

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Go listen to some Daft Punk.

The two didn't do anything for a long while. More songs played, most of them fitted the mood, tho some of them completely ruined it or even reminded some weird moments.

It was awfully quiet, there was no sign of any living creature. That awfully unnatural feeling that everything there was... Dead. Or better said - never alive. Although that wouldn't be right too. There was something, something ancient, forgotten, sleeping in eternal sleep.


The bright sun slowly settled before either of them moved from their spot . Dipper's limbs were stiff after those long hours that they just quietly sat in the middle of the dead meadow, comfortably melting into the beautiful sound of music.

Dipper slowly opened his dark eyes and opened his mouth. His throat was sore from not talking for long.

"I think we should find a place to stay overnight." he said emotionlessly, with raspiness in his voice.

Tara carefully stood up and streched her arms. Her stiff joints made a loud *pop * sound.

"Yeah, it would be safer than staying here. Who knows what's out here, ei?" she added cheerfully.

She tried to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem work that well. She knew that this was a difficult situation for both of them. And so did Dipper. Both of them felt responsible for what happened, the guilt of dragging the other one to their complicated life, full of magic, mystery and demons. Demons... that's what they were right now. It somehow felt good and bad at the same time. Like it was always supposed to happen. This new feeling felt amazing, yet her head screamed that this was wrong. Unnatural and impossible. And yet, here they were.


After that awkward short conversation, they went exploring their new temporary home. The place was so weirdly quiet. The sky changed it's colout from yellowish oranged to blood red. There was still the same amount of light as before, although it felt darker. Still there was no sun or stars, as if the place was it's own light source. This place was definitely not the demon realm. It couldn't be. There were no demons or creatures that were in Gravity Falls. Mabey it was something else.


Dipper looked at his only companion. Her expression was dull and her eyes looked more dead to him than usual.

He felt the urge to ask his friend how she was.
" Hey, is something wrong? Except all of this off course, it's just that you look really upset about something."

She looked at him and lightly exhaled. "It's just... that this place feels wrong, don't you feel it too? No place can be lacking this much life. And how even is this grass growing?! Doesn't it need some nutritions?!'' she kicked into the ground and a small divot of red grasd flew few meters through the air. But instead of dirt there was-"WHAT THE FUCK"-Living flesh.

Dipper looked at it with utter disgust and fear. The flesh was slightly moving and dark red blood oozed from it.

Tara looked shocked for a second, then she raised her hands in the air and shook her head. "Okay, I'm done. This is too much. Zombies, demons, vampires, dead bodies. I can handle those. But THIS?!" she grew more annoyed. She was totally NOT prepared for this.

Dipper slowly reached his hand towards the exposed flesh to touch it.

"What do you think you're doing you donkey?!"

"Calm down, I just want to know what it feels like." he answered calmly.

Tara looked at him in disbelief. "Wow. For someone so cleaver, you are so stupid."

He just shrugged at her response and looked at the flesh again.

She totally gave up on him. "Okay, but if you die, it's not my fault. I'm not you parent to tell you what to do." She remained watching him touch the thing. It's not like they already slept on it or anything.


When Dipper touched it, it felt cold and soft. Not like the hard layer above it. How did even Tara kick it off that easily? Without shoes even.
It felt rock solid. Mabey it was it's exoskeleton. On top of it was a thin layer of dust and grass taht grew out of it. Or was it grass? It definitely felt like it.

''How did you even kick it off? It feels sturdy.'' he softly knocked on it.

''I dunno. Mabey it was a weak spot or something.'' she answeared.

Something shiny cought his eye. He reached into the flesh. He felt the liquids and the cold flesh surround his arm. He grabed the shiny thing and pulled out his bloodied arm.

Tara squated next to him and looked at the thing in his palm. ''Is that...gold?'' Dipper examined the small piece. It indeed looked like gold, however it felt much heavier.

''I don't think so. It could be some kind of metal that we don't have back on Earth.''

He looked closer at it. It didn't looked any suspicious to him. Oh boy was he wrong. His eyes widened and he immediately jumped bakwards. He quickly dropped the shiny stone. Eight small legs sprouted from it and it disappeared back into the flesh.

The duo looked at the spot where the spider stone went.

Zia blinked few times and looked at her friend.

"How do I unsubscribe from living?"

Oh yes I'm back. I finally updated this and I have the plot for ToS, so that's good for me. I might write another chapter if I feel like doing so. Also thanks for reading.

Story of two DreamdemonsWhere stories live. Discover now