Part Five: Milky Way

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"So what's your doll's name?" Gabriel asks you while unboxing his Buddi doll.
"I named him Buddy," you answer with a smirk. "First thing that came to my mind."
"Cool. I'm not sure what I should name mine."
Buddy shifts around in your hands and you can tell he just wants to move. You let him go, and he explores everything in Gabriel's room.
"(Y/N), do you have any scissors?" Gabriel asks.
     "Here's the scissors!" Buddy cheers while picking up a red pair of scissors by the nightstand.
     Gabriel smiles. "Thanks, Buddy!" he tells your doll as Buddy hands him the pair. Gabriel continues to cut open the box, and finally, his new Buddi doll is out.
     "Oh, this is awesome! How do you work?" He asks the doll.
     The new Buddi doll sits up and starts with the same things your doll said. Gabriel smiles endlessly, and it makes you smile, thinking about how happy you made your best friend. The fun goes on, and the room fills with laughter and happiness.

"What was that?" you ask worried. Gabriel's face is full of confusion but suddenly shifts.
"Oh, that's Milky Way; the cat," he reassures. The cat jumps off the bed and onto the floor. "Do you wanna go downstairs?"
"Yeah, let's go."
The two of you sit up, but suddenly you hear an agonizing meow coming from Milky Way, and before you know it, the angry cat scratches Gabriel's leg.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
"The stupid cat!" Gabriel shouts. "Stepped on its stupid paw and it scratched me."
You sigh. "Come on," you tell him as the two of you leave the bedroom.


Gabriel's mom brings out the pizza for you two to eat for dinner. Quickly, you eat the pizza and play some video games right after.
"You wanna check on the dolls upstairs?" Gabriel suggests.
Your raise your eyebrows; you really aren't thinking of the dolls at all. Heck, they could be interacting with each other and you wouldn't even know. "Sure."
You race upstairs with Gabriel and open the door to the bedroom. "What?!" Gabriel bursts. He holds his hands over his mouth.
Your heart races not knowing what's going on, but suddenly, you see it. "What the heck happened?!" You shout.
Gabriel rushes over to Milky Way, on the floor, and not breathing. Gabriel stammers and glances over towards the dolls.
You give him a look to suggest that, why would the dolls do something like this?
"I-I have to tell my parents!" Gabriel tells you.
"Well what are you going to tell them? The dolls did it?"
"(Y/N), I didn't hurt the cat," you hear Buddy say out of nowhere. You quickly turn your head to look him in the eye. You turn your attention to Gabriel's doll, who hasn't spoken a word yet. You then shake your head, as you realize that blaming any of these dolls is the dumbest thing to do.
Gabriel sighs. "I don't know what to do."
"Me neither." The two of you sit in silence, and at one moment, Buddy walks over to you and gives you a hug. You blink and awkwardly hug him back, still unsure on what to do with the cat.
"Let's bury her," Gabriel suggests, breaking the silence. You look up at him and nod.
"Are you going to tell your parents?" You ask him.
"Uh... I can just... tell them later that she ran away— makes it less suspicious."
You nod again, and you two leave the room with Milky Way in Gabriel's arms. You feel a tug on your leg and turn around to find Buddy behind you. "Don't leave me alone with him."
You stop. "What?"
Buddy doesn't say another word and stares you in the eyes. You sigh and pick him up, and Gabriel and you continue to walk down the stairs and out the back door. Gabriel grabs the shovel on the side of the house, and places the lifeless cat on the soil. Lightly, you can hear sniffing and heavy breathing coming from your friend.
"I'll do it," you offer.
Gabriel looks at you, and slowly nods.
Throughout the night, the two of you sit and sleep in silence, all the while, Buddy still holding tightly to your arm.

(Little shorter than usual but I think it fits 💫)

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