Part Thirteen: Runaway Doll

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     You open your eyes and suddenly they widen when the first thing you see is Buddy, on top of you again.
     "W-What?" You stutter, still pretty tired.
     "Call Gabriel, please," he nicely tells you. He tilts his head and does the 'admiring' thing. As if you already didn't get the hint enough, Buddy starts shaking you. You roll your eyes and sit up. You glance toward the clock and you aren't that surprised when it's pretty early. You put your face in your hands and sigh. It stays that way for some time, and Buddy is definitely not fond of it. You remove your hands from your face and stare at Buddy.
     "Yes, seriously." Buddy stares back at you with intense blue eyes and they never move. Guess this doll really is serious, you think to yourself. You shrug everything off and reach for your phone. You pull up the contacts list just like last night, and look up at Buddy once more. "Is this really important?"
     Of course Buddy, being Buddy, gives you the-

 "Is this really important?"      Of course Buddy, being Buddy, gives you the-

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-face. "Yes, (Y/N)!"
     You sigh and realize that you really have to call for real this time. You press the button and wait for Gabriel to respond.
     It's a few seconds before he picks up, but it seems like he already knows what the call is about.
     "Is this about Chucky... and Buddy?" He asks.
     "I don't know what he wants to know. Like, Chucky's fine, you know."
     You look up at Buddy. You raise your eyebrows at an attempt to give him a hint to speak up, and this time it works. "Ask if he's been glitching," he finally tells you.
     "Has he been glitching?" You repeat to Gabriel.
     "Uhh... well, yeah. I guess. Especially at night, he'll go downstairs and just do random stuff."
     You look back up at Buddy and his eyes are widened. This doll really likes to widen his eyes, apparently. And it's obvious he heard the phone.
     "Okay, that's... good to know." You pause the call and turn to Buddy. "Anything else?"
     Buddy looks around. "Um... has he ever acted weird since we left?"
     You put the phone back to your ear. "Has he acted weird since we left?"
     "I don't know, he's acting pretty much the same...." Gabriel pauses. "Oh, but more than once he's asked when Buddy would ever come back."
     You glance over at Buddy and he's laying down now. Don't know what's up with that, but you decide to end the call. "Thanks, G."
     You place your phone on your nightstand beside the bed. You sigh and now turn your attention to Buddy fully. He sits up and stares into your eyes (but it's not intimidating). You pull him over and do that baby-holding-in-the-air pose like how you did on the first day. "Don't worry about anything, Buddy. I'll still love you, even if you try to take over the world."
     Buddy smiles, just really cute. Whenever this doll smiles, it's cute (what are you even saying). His eyes glow and cheeks, too, and you can't get enough of it. But you soon sit up and rub your eyes. You finally stand up and stretch, and grab your phone off the nightstand. You grab Buddy off the bed and carry him to your way downstairs. But before you can even get a chance to eat breakfast, Buddy says he wants to play outside.
     "Come on, pleaseee," he begs. He's giving you puppy eyes— for now on you'll just call them doll eyes.
     You sigh. "Jeez, Buddy. We were out late last night. Wasn't that enough?"
"Of course not! Let's have some fun."
Buddy starts dancing around the room and twirling, too. "Let's play, let's play," he keeps on repeating. He grabs onto your legs and looks up at you. "Let's play."
You place the cereal box, already in your hands, on the table and sigh heavily. "Fine."
Buddy goes ecstatic. "Yayy!!! We're going to have some fun!"
You can't help but smile, and you try not to show that. Buddy grabs onto your arm and directs you to the backyard. "Let's play on the swings."
You place Buddy on one of the swings and walk behind him. "Push me hard, (Y/N)!"
You chuckle at that. Just sounded funny, that's all. You push Buddy really hard at first, because for some reason you were imagining the weight of an actual human to push. But apparently it wasn't an accident in Buddy's eyes, as he giggles and smiles it on. "Harder, harder, harder!"
You grin and a small laugh comes out. Can this doll stop saying that? You push harder like you're told, but this time, it's a little too hard for Buddy's liking. The push is so hard, the doll flies into the air and hits the side of the house. You wince at the scene and quickly run to Buddy. "Buddy, you okay?"
Buddy sits up and looks at you. "(Y/N)," he says kinda disappointed.
You grin again and slightly laugh it off. It was kind of funny to see Buddy fly into the air like that. His little doll arms flying in the air was priceless.
"You okay?" You ask again.
Buddy pauses and looks around. "Yeah... Let's do something else fun!"
"Like what?"
He lifts up his finger. "Tag, you're it!"
You smile and think to yourself, I haven't played tag since second grade. But you go along with it and agree to play.
"Yayy!!" Buddy exclaims while clapping his hands. It gets silent for probably a second and Buddy taps you. "Tag, you're it!" Without a doubt, you're obviously way faster than this doll; 'cause you got longer legs, of course. So you tap Buddy and keep the game going.
It seems to be going well, it really does; but after Buddy taps you last, you can't seem to find him— anywhere. You look around the backyard and behind every bush and tree— nothing. You're heart begins to pound again, and that sinking feeling occurs. Goodness, gracious, you think to yourself. This is just lovely.

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