Part Eighteen: Police Station Massacre

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You furrow your brows as you look into Buddy's eyes. "A cult?"
He shrugs. "What else could it be, (Y/N)? I've watched one too many movies to figure this one out!" You kind of think it's funny how, in any situation, Buddy continues to keep that positive attitude and smile every once in a while.
You sigh. "Got any suggestions on how we can check up on Gabriel?"
Chucky lifts up his finger. "Follow me."

You crawl your way to the very back of the building, where there's a small window. Inside, you can tell it's one of those confrontation rooms, where the police officers and detectives question the suspects. And soon after you all arrive by the window, the door inside opens, and Gabriel and some detectives enter the room. Shortly after, an officer arrives. He stands in the corner quietly the whole time.
The main detective directs your best friend to sit down. He takes the seat, and you squint your eyes in concentration, eyeing every little detail. Good thing these windows are thin, because you can hear straight through them.
The detective clears his throat. "So, explain what happened."
Gabriel goes on to say basically everything you told his mother. And as usual, nobody believes him. Heck, he sounded even more convincing then you did, but yet they still don't believe him.
     "Son, here in Greatsboro, we don't make up stories. Now, if you don't spill the truth right now... we don't have any choice but to arrest you."
     You gasp. What the heck?! He didn't do ANYTHING. You keep your eyes wide as you stare at what's going on.
     Gabriel's eyes are just about as wide as yours are. "Detective Bellezar, I'm telling the truth— 100%! The dolls, out of nowhere, took out knives and stabbed (Y/N) in the leg. They're artificial intelligence; why is it so hard to believe that they were capable of doing such a thing?"
     Bellezar shakes his head and facepalms. "You know how this sounds? A bunch of dolls just tried to kill ya? It's nonsense!" He then stands up, looks at the officer in the corner, and swipes his finger. The officer then walks over to Gabriel and pulls out the handcuffs.
     "What?" Gabriel blurts. His face is just completely shocked. "I didn't do it and you know it!"
     "Oh, please, Gabriel. Stop trying. You were the only other human being at the scene. I'm not gonna tell the court that it was some dolls that committed this crime. Case closed." The police officer then walks Gabriel out of the room. All what just happened makes you boil inside. You're fists are clenched tight, and your brows are in furious mode.
     You huff. "We have to go inside!"
     Buddy quickly turns around and looks at you. "(Y/N), we can't possibly. Look at the condition you're in! You can't even walk, for Pete's sake."
     "But we have to save Gabriel! He's going to go to jail, probably for the rest of his life, and it's all gonna be my fault. That's not what best friends do to each other..."
     The doll nods. "I guess you're right." He then turns to Chucky. "We've got business to do, partner."
     Chucky shakes his head. "Wouldn't it be smarter if we two just went inside? We're basically escape artists; nobody'll see us."
     Buddy lifts his head up and goes, "Oooohh." He claps his hands once. "Smart idea, Chucky." And lastly, he tells you, "If you need us, yell on the top of your lungs."
     You smirk and give the doll a thumbs up. They soon leave and enter through the window. They close it shut behind them, and that's the last you see of them.
     You sit in silence as you wait patiently for them to come back. You look around cautiously as you make sure nobody's around; especially doctors. Or really anyone with a circle symbol. You look up at the sky. It's dark now, and slowly, you notice stars twinkling. You smile, as this is really the only thing making you comfortable at the moment. You sigh and look back down. You're curious about the wound, again; especially now that you're alone, you can inspect it without anybody walking in. You stick your leg out some and examine it. You frown, as it seems there are more bruises than before. And instead of it being just in the wound-range, they're now everywhere: up your leg and around your ankles, especially. You put your leg away in anger. It was the dolls who did this to you, but then again, it was the dolls that saved you. You're just mad at the— well, probably every adult worker in this city. You quickly look up at the building when you hear screaming and shouting. You want to know what's going on, so you crawl around to the front to see a bit better. And from what you can see, it's bad. Bodies everywhere, blood, some glass, and the usual kill stuff. "Dang," you whisper to yourself. I've been living with a killer doll all this time! You realize. You smile at the thought, just because it's random. One of the first bodies you spot is the officer who handcuffed Gabriel. These people are bad, but you don't like looking at their bodies; just the sight of lifeless people laying on the ground makes you uneasy. You flinch when you hear another scream, which is most likely the last. You then see Gabriel walk out the main doors, with two very bloody dolls by his side. They make their way over to you, and you immediately open your arms wide to hug your best friend. He quickly responds and hugs you. He remains seated on the ground, with Buddy and Chucky beside him. There's a bit of silence, which you, of course, aren't a fan of.
"So," you start, breaking the ice. "Did you... kill everyone in there?"
Chucky proudly smiles and nods. Buddy gives you a bloody thumbs up, and you grin.
"Um... I'm guessing we should all get cleaned up," you suggest slowly.
Gabriel nods. "I agree. There's a ZedMart a few minutes away; you know they've got bathrooms."

Over the course of time, you started to have feelings for Gabriel. He's your best friend, but sometimes it feels like he's more than just a friend; at least to you. He's one of the coolest and kindest boys you know. And it's nice to know that he cares so much about you. But the thought of an actual relationship— yeah, you can pass on that. He probably wouldn't have the same feelings, anyway. It's always safe to just stay friends.
Gabriel stands up. "Well, we should probably get going now." You look up at him with an unsure face. You then look back down at your legs at an effort to get him to realize that you can't get far with the condition you're in right now.
He nods. "Uh... you want me to carry you?"
You raise your eyebrows. "S-Sure..."
He reaches down and lifts you up. It's a relief, because you're not putting pressure on your knees or your palms like you were earlier. Chucky and Buddy follow you two, and you're just now noticing that they (still) have scalpels in their hands. Well, at least you're protected; that's for sure. The group comes to a stop when a similar beeping sound you heard in the hospital now rings— but, where?
You're heart starts speeding up a bit. "Come on, we have to keep moving; they're probably after us!"

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