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Mochi.nari: there is NO FUCKING WAY that im leaving my babies with Ten.

ChittaTen; WHY NOT?

Mochi.nari: HAVE YOU MET YOU?


ChittaTen: oh. So Lucas can take care of your kids and I can't?


DoyoungKim: 1/3 are his kids. 2/3 are mine.

DoyoungKim: why can't I watch them?

Mochi.nari: are you a dumb dumb?

DoyoungKim: apparently:/

Mochi.nari: Doyoung, you're literally GOING with us to Japan for kaylies and jaehyuns wedding.

DoyoungKim: why can't we bring the kids?

Mochi.nari: It's Japan. They're gonna wanna live there then I'm gonna have to crush their little dreams and tell them mommy doesn't want another house in another country. I already have a house in Shanghai, Seoul, and Hong Kong. No more houses.

DoyoungKim: I don't see the big deal.

Mochi.nari: shall I explain further?

DoyoungKim: pls

Mochi.nari: when Qinyang wants something. She gets it. Like that fucking Nintendo she never fucking uses but made me spend HUNDREDS of my money dollars on. She's like Asian Ariana grande. She wants it. She mother fucking gets it. Because I'm a weak person and gets her everything she wants. If she looks me in the eyes and tells me she wants a fucking pony for her birthday. She's getting a mcfucking pony. Believe it or not, Yukhei is the one who says no. HES THE ONE WHO SAYS NO AND NOT ME. BEVAUSE IM WEAK AND I CANT SAH MO TO MH CHKLDTEN. IF THEY SAY THEY WANT TO LIVE IN JAPAN. WE PACKIN AND MOVIN INTO A MOTHER FUCKIN HOUSE THERE AND I DONT HAVE MONEY FOR ANOTHER UNNECESSARY HOUSE. FOR FUCK SAKES IM STILL SAYING FOR CHENLES AND JISUNGS APARTMENT BEVAUSE IM A DJMB BITCH AND ALWAYS TELL THEM TO TAKE THEOR TIME TO SETTLE DOWN AND START PAYING BILLS.

DoyoungKim: Alright so. Jimins baby sitting?

Mochi.nari: yes

YukheiWong: I don't have a say in whether or not our kids come with us to Japan?

QianKaylie: I already told her she can't bring them.

JungYoonOh: but we love Qinyang, MinJun, and MeiXiu.

QianKaylie: Yeah, but We don't love them enough to buy a whole city for them.

JungYoonOh: point taken.

Hyuck127: Qinyang is ruthless. She once drained my bank account.

Hyuck127: we just went to Walgreens.

Hyuck127: and left with 3 carts full of candy and food.

Hyuck127: honestly, don't regret it.

Mark.Lee.127: I do. We share a bank account.

Hyuck127: you're the one that said "we should combine our money, what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours." Headass. Should've thought about that before dating me.

Mark.Lee.127: lord give me strength to not fucking choke you.

Hyuck127: save that for later tonight. 💋

JisungPark02: discustang!!

ChenleZhong: just leave the kids with us.

ChenleZhong: they love uncle Jisung and Uncle Chenle.

Mochi.nari: you're going with us.

JisungPark02: with the amount of lazy I am? Just send pics of them saying I do and that's more than enough for me.

Hyuck127: o. Me too.

QianKaylie: this is a really big thing for me and y'all are playing it out like you're gonna fucking give your children up and that you're gonna fucking miss it because you're 'lazy'

JisungPark02: less people to buy dinner for.

QianKaylie: good point.

JungYoonOh: we already established that you're mom isn't coming right?

QianKaylie: in this house hold, we hate my mother. We only invite her when there is a threat.

QianKun: mom isn't coming?

Mochi.nari: THANK GOD.

Mochi.nari: no tea no shade. But she doesn't even know I'm divorced. She doesn't even know I have kids. She just knows that I'm with Yukhei and that we live together.

NaJae: the fact that your mother isn't aware of a 5 year old child you gave birth to. Is wild.

JenoLee: I think it's wild that the Qian family share one brain cell and collectively doesn't watch the news to find out that their mother is in the hospital from stage 4 cancer.

Mochi.nari: oh no. We know that.

QianKun: Yeah, we know

QianKaylie: I sent her a get well soon card and a gift certificate to the Hospitals cafeteria.

ChenleZhong: moms in the hospital?

ChenleZhong: how unfortunate.


ChenleZhong: So is our mom.

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