["Hello Pretty Girl"]

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[Y/N P.O.V.]

"Hello Pretty Girl"


[2nd Person]

You had left your home aimlessly, not knowing what you were going to do with your time. You didn't realize how much of a good decision it would be.

After 15 minutes of walking, you passed a cute little coffee shop that was new in town, when you popped in to try it out you saw all the cute little decorations such as fairy lights and small succulents in potholders hanging from the ceiling.

You walked to the counter and ordered (tea/coffee), after paying you walked to the pick-up and glanced around the place. There were only a few people there, just the usual neighborhood workmen and women, but then you saw him.

[First person]

His fuzzy platinum blonde hair stood out among the normal brown haired people in the shop. He had a sweet face and painted nails, he looked like a fun guy to be around. I looked at his shirt and boots, 'wow' I thought, 'he has a great fashion sen-'

"Y/N!" My thoughts were cut off from hearing my name being called, I grabbed my drink and made my way towards a small couch that I had seen. While I was walking I felt eyes on me, when I sat down I saw his eyes on me. I smiled warmly, like a neighbor would if you walked passed them, then he gladly returned it.

I sat there on my phone, contemplating walking to him. I see movement in front of me to see he beat me to it. I look up at him and give him a questioning look then a smile.

"Hello, pretty boy." I say with a small smile on my face.

"Hello, pretty girl" he says with a light chuckle.

We sat in silence for a few moments as we looked at each other's features. "Are you going to sit down or are you going to just look at me?" I smiled at my snarky remark, he sat down next to me after I had said that to him, with a small, yet noticeable, blush grazing his cheek.

"I'm John by the way" he had said after his blush faded away. I smiled, "Y/N."

We talked and laughed with each other until we finished our drinks. After he finished his drink he checked his phone and stood up, "sorry Y/N, I have to go, I have something scheduled today." He looked at me with a small disappointed face as if he still wanted to talk to me. I was a bit sad but smiled through it "that's fine, as long as I can get your number"

He smiled and put his hand out, asking for my phone. I go to my contacts and give it to him. He types in his contact and sends a text to himself from my phone. He hands me back my phone and gives me a small smile, "see you next time, pretty girl."

And with that he left.

I look down at my phone and see he put his actual name as his contact name, I giggle silently as I change his name to 'pretty boy' and shove it into my pocket. I leave the shop and begin walking home when I feel a buzz in my pocket.

[Pretty Boy]
Hey, Pretty Girl. I had a nice
time with you today

[Pretty Girl]
Haha, hey Pretty Boy, good to
know it was mutual

I looked back up and continue walking, once I return home I sigh as John comes into my mind. I smile a little and continue my way into my house.

I lay on the couch and smile to see he texted me back.

[Pretty Boy]
Maybe we could hang out
sometime soon?

[Pretty Girl]
I would so be down for that

[Pretty Boy]
Alright I'll text you when I'm
free so we can plan it!

I kick my legs up and smile. 'Yes!' I thought, I don't know why I was so excited, but all I knew was that this boy was going to be the death of me.


Here it is!

Not my first fanfic but it's my first in a long ass time.

Hope you liked it 💕

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