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[Y/N's POV]

"'Bet.' I challenge, only to be moved, then dropped onto his desk chair, landing with a small grunt. 'You're so mean John,' I say crossing my arms. 'I'm not mean~'"


As I was listening to John I spaced out thinking about fuck all on the floor in front of the door, the door swings open. I look up to see a slightly distraught and stressed John and as he looks down at me he develops a face of worry. "you didn't hear that, right?" I look up at him and smile nervously, but say the truth, "I did, but I only heard the beginning." He lets out a stressed breath and runs a hand through his hair, "dammit," he whispers and proceeds to raise his voice to a normal tone, "well, I guess I should... maybe.. uhm.." he trails off with his attempt of confidence. "John, I..." I take a breath, "I-" I'm cut off by a panicked spurt of words from John, "it's okay! You don't need to share my 'feelings' for you," he air quotes, a bit of sadness lacing his tone while he looks at anything but me. I cup his cheeks and move his face making him look at me, "John. Relax, take a deep breath." He does as I say and looks at me, "Y/N, I... I just... fuck why is this so hard to ask?" He says in a distraught tone. I let out a quiet giggle, him responding with an embarrassed face that was laced with disappointment, instantly making my heart lurch in sadness. "I... I can't... you don't-" I cut him off, "John," I give him a soft smile, "will you go out with me?"

He stares at me for a moment before smiling, and pulling me into a tight hug. I feel him nod and rest his head on my head. I smile and hug back, feeling content in his arms. Knowing he wasn't sad anymore added to my content state.

Moments pass and without adjusting his grip on me, he hoists me upward to where he can look at me. I look down at him and rest my legs around his waist. He had a slight smile on his face with faint blush dusting his cheeks. His nose was as cute as it ever could be, and his eyes were stunning as always. I lean down to press my forehead against his, in which he responds by closing his eyes and tightening his arms around me. I let out a soft giggle in response to his squeezing of my body, him reacting by letting out a breathy chuckle.

I move one of my hands from around him to the side of his face, him still looking at me with eyes full of happiness. "You really are a Pretty Boy you know," I say, him reacting with another breathy chuckle. "I'm nothing compared to you, princess," he responds. "'Princess?' What happened to Pretty Girl?" I pout, still raised in his arms. "Is that the only name I'm allowed to call you? No 'my dear?' No 'babe?' No 'baby'" I thought for a moment about his suggestions, "maybe... only under certain circumstances," I say with a posh tone. "Really acting like a princess now, huh?" I scoff at his reply and lightly hit his chest.

"Be careful now, I'm the one holding you up." He threatens, loosening his grip on me. "Bet." I challenge, only to be moved, then dropped onto his desk chair, landing with a small grunt. "You're so mean John," I say crossing my arms. "I'm not mean~" he replies drawing out the 'n,' placing his hands onto his chairs arm rest covers, looming over me. His face being dangerous close to mine sent a surge of warmth into my cheeks, but I sat still. One of his hands traveled up my arm from the arm rest, then moving it down to my waist. His face got closer to mine, only to receive an Eskimo kiss on the tip of my nose. He moves away from my face with a grin on his face, only making me more upset.

"If you're not mean, why didn't you kiss me?" I ask, "I did, you're just picky with your kisses," he responds. "You didn't! And no I'm not-" I cut myself off seeing his grin widen with my arguing. "Do continue, I'm ready to fire back" he says in a calm tone. I stand up from his chair, him straightening up in the process, and stand in front of him, faces close to each other's. I guide my hand up his sides, and over his chest to leave them resting on his shoulder. He looks at me with confusion in his eyes and a light dust of pink on his cheeks. I trail my right hand under his chin and my left resting on his shoulder. I brush my thumb over his lips and move my other arm to the left side of his face, mirroring the actions of the right. I slowly lean in close to his face, him understanding what I was trying to achieve and closed his eyes. I smirk and kiss the back of my thumbs, and pull away, with a smile plastered on my face, a small frown on his.

"Now I get why you were upset..."



I'm so sorry that took me years for a half decent chapter, I'm trying to get back into my writing so I hope you enjoyed!

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