["Oh So You Admit It?"]

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[Kryoz/John's POV]

"'Oh so you admit it?'I turn to him and reply 'Yes'"


I make a comment about the stupidity of the story that had just finished to hear no answer and no light chuckle. I look down to see (Y/N) asleep on my shoulder, I smile to myself and turn back to the TV, switching it off. I slowly and gently pick her up and carry her to my room.

Once I reach my room I place her onto my bed and move the hair out of her face. I subconsciously smile as I look at her features she was so beautiful in the dim lighting coming from the lights outside. I rub my thumb against her cheek softly and straighten myself to leave. I think about joining her in bed but I don't want her to think I'm a creep. I simply turned off my light and closed the door behind me. I make my way over to Kugo's room, checking my phone to see if he's streaming, and when I see he's not I knock on his door.

I hear a small "come in" before I open the door and flip him off. He returns it and laughs a little, I let out a light chuckle before walking in. "So," he starts, "what's happening between you and this girl" he sits up straight with a smug look on his face. "She's just a friend don't worry about it." I say as the memories from today flood in. "John, I saw the way you looked at her." I put on a fake smile and let out a "pshh" "I look at her like how I look at anyone." "So you're saying that you give goo-goo eyes to everyone? I know you were admiring her." I roll my eyes as he continues, "I came down when you were still watching your movie, she looked so content in your arms, I saw your small smile too."

I thought about that for a moment, I couldn't be falling that quick could I? The kiss was just an impulse, we were so close and... holy shit, "I'm falling so hard" I mutter without realizing. "What was that lover boy?" He smirks, "oh, uh, nothing, nothing." I stumble with my words. He laughs, "why are you up here anyways? Did your movie end?" Kugo asks. "No, she fell asleep on me and I didn't want her waking up to a scream or something from the movie, so I brought her to my room." I looks at me for a moment and raises his eyebrows, "and you didn't stay with her?" I shake my head no "I don't wanna be a creep, retard." "You're the retard, she fell asleep on you! That's clearly a sign of comfort around you." "Or she was just, I don't know, tired?" I raise my voice at the end slightly.

"Don't wake your girlfriend up dipshit" he laughs. I roll my eyes again and play with my rings, I start thinking about the park again and smile remembering her beautiful face, her
(E/C) and her gorgeous (H/C), I don't even know how I could ever get the chance to be in such a beautiful woman's presence. I smile and blush dusts my cheeks, Kugo looks at me with a questioning look, "thinking about her?" I start to nod before I quickly shake my head "no." He laughs at me and I simply glare at him.

"I wasn't, don't get any ideas," I tell him, he smirks, "you totally were~" he teases. "Just admit it John, you have a crush on Y/N! It's not that hard to admit." I sigh and rub my face, "even if I did have a crush on her, why are you pushing it so hard?" I asked, "because I want you to admit it," he says with a shrug. I sigh and stand silently, thinking about what to say before just walking towards the door. "Where do you think your going?" He asks. "To bed" I reply "I didn't come in here to be called out for liking someone." "Oh, so you admit it?" I turn to him and reply "Yes" before exiting the room and closing the door.

I sigh and walk downstairs to lay on the couch, now it was just me and my thoughts.


Aughh I'm sorry it was so short and took me so long to upload!

I hope you liked it!💕

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