["She got me"]

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[John's P.O.V.]

"She got me, she got me good "


I couldn't help but think about her. All throughout the recording session (Y/N)'s smiling face would pop into my mind. She and the rest of the boys distracting me from my CS:GO gameplay.

After the recording session Jaren(Smii7y) and I were the only ones left in the call. "John, I noticed you were more shit at the game and not as much of an annoying bitch, what's up?" He asks me. I give him the blunt reply of "it's nothing, just something is on my mind." After I take a hit from my vape. "Good or Bad?" He asks. I sigh happily "oh, so good." I smile happily thinking about her again.

"Oooh? Do tell please." He tried to convince me to tell him about Y/N. "Hmm." I cut myself off by a forced yawn "maybe another time."

"You bitc-" I hung up and laughed a little at his response of calling me a pussy in pms. I roll my chair away from my desk while grabbing my phone. When I do I text Y/N.

[Pretty Boy]
(Insert dates and times here)
I'm free any of these times Pretty Girl.

A few moments later I get a text back

[Pretty Girl]
Oh perfect! I can hang out
tomorrow at 1:30 to however
late. Just tell me where we
are hanging out. 💕

I stare at the heart at the end of her text and feel a tinge of confidence.

[Pretty Boy]
My place tomorrow?

[Pretty Girl]
OoOh~ I get to see Pretty Boys house?
Just send me the address.

[Pretty Boy]
(Insert address here)
See you tomorrow Pretty Girl!

[Pretty Girl]
See you tomorrow!

I smile at my phone and lean back in my chair, already excited for tomorrow. I look at my monitor and around my room, suddenly very bored. I sighed in defeat and loaded up Minecraft.

I pull up my streaming software and tweet out that I'm going to be streaming in the next few minutes. Once all is set and ready I begin the stream.

Before I could get into it I feel my phone vibrate and yell "who the fuck is texting me!" For the stream. I check my phone and see it was a text from Jaren. I ignore it and said "I'll check it later" to my chat.

Around half an hour passes and I had shut down Minecraft and was settling down with my chat. I pull out my phone and check my text to see it was Jaren just questioning me about what made me so happy earlier today. I smile as he reminded me of her and decide to leave him on read. I look up at chat, continuing to talk to some of the viewers.

After around 15 minutes more I decide to end the stream. After saying goodbye to the viewers I pick up my phone again and then sigh to see I got no new messages. I pull up my editing software and try my hardest to stay focused on what needs to be done.

Around half an hour passes and all my transitions are finished, but I can't bring myself to do the subtitles then and there. I save my progress after I watched the video through one more time and shut down my computer.

I stood up and laid down in my bed, and pulled out my phone once more. After laying there scrolling through social media for a little while I decide to actually read and respond to Jaren

Cmon don't just leave me
in the dark out here.
I need to know what's been on
your mindddddd >:((

[Rats Nest]
A girl
A pretty girl

OooOh does Johnny have a crush??

[Rats Nest]
Far from it, I just met her today.

When's the wedding?

[Rats Nest]
I just met her today
You dumbass

How rude
Tell me about her

[Rats Nest]
She has a good sense of humor,
She's got (H/L) (H/C) which looks
great on her, and idk she is pretty and
has a good personality.

Sounds like a developing crush

[Rats Nest]
soUNdS lIkE a DeVEloPiNg cRuSh

[Milk Bag]
When you date her don't tell me
I didn't warn you ;)

[Rats Nest]
Yeah right

That little bitch left me on read. I close my phone and turn off my light. I stare at my ceiling for a while just thinking about her, smiling softly.

She got me, she got me good.


He make my heart go UwU

Hoped you liked it 💕

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