["Looks Like I'll Have to Settle"]

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[Y/N P.O.V]

"'Well... looks like I'll have to settle with fuckboy.'"


I woke up the next morning in an room
I hadn't seen before. I quickly sit up and look down at myself to see myself fully clothed. I sigh from relief and get up, stretching as I do so. I exit the room I was in, assuming it to be Johns room, and look to my left and right not knowing where to go to get downstairs.

After a few moments of wandering the halls I successfully make it downstairs. I walk to the couch and see a silhouette of a man laying on the couch, I quickly come to the realization that it's John. I small smile tugs at my lips as I look down at his sleeping figure. I turn and sit on a chair next to him and look at my phone.

I hear him shift and I look over at him, he groans tiredly and brings his hands to his face. He rubs his cheek and opens his eyes, I quickly look back at my phone. He laughs at me and slowly sits up, I looked up at him again and see him standing up and walking over to me. "Good morning Pretty Girl," he pats my head before bending down to my level, leaving us face to face. I look into his tired eyes and notice he's coming closer. I put my hand up as he gets closer and feel his lips on my palm, I laugh quietly. He rolls his eyes and pulls back, "cock block" he says, "more like lip block, stupid." He rolls his eyes again and I lower my hand.

He sighs and covers my face with his hand and I lick it, he laughs. "What are you laughing at, dick" I ask, my question being muffled by his hand. "Suck my dick, bitch" I laugh at his statement, "ok, when and where?" He pulls his hand away looks at me with a "really?" look, I smile at him and blow in his face causing him to shrivel his nose. I pinch the bridge of his nose and look him in the eyes. He paints a small smirk on his face before standing up, hearing footsteps coming downstairs. I see a man I've never seen before, yet I still wave.

He looks at me then looks at John and points at me with his eyebrows raised, John shakes his head "no" before making his way to the kitchen. I send a questioning look to the man that came downstairs as he approaches me, "hey, I'm Jay" he puts his hand out for me to shake, I take it and shake it lightly, "Y/N." "So what did you do to our Johnny boy?" He asks, "I don't know what you mean by that.." I say quietly a bit skeptical of what he was asking. "He normally flips me off when I come downstairs, he makes it a challenge." I laugh at him a little and I see John in the corner of my eye looking at me. I pull my hand away from Jay gently and give him a soft smile, in which he returns.

I stand up and walked to the kitchen and see John tapping his fingers on the table staring off into space. I tap his shoulder and he looks at me with a blank face before morphing into a small smile. He looks away from me and pulls out his phone to scroll through Twitter. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked him, "you don't have to cook for us," he replied looking up at me, "but I want to Johnny boy," I smile at him. "What happened to pretty boy?" he asks, "do you like pretty boy more than Johnny boy?" I respond, he simply nods his head in response and I ruffle his hair. "Fine pretty boy, what do you want to eat?" I ask him, "ummm... can you make eggs..?" he asks me, "who can't make eggs?" he laughs lightly and nods, "good point."

I find the eggs quickly and set them next to the stove to be prepared. I find a pan and lay it on the stove before greasing it up and turning on the flame below it. John hands me a spatula and I take it giving him a small "thank you." I turn back to the stove and break an egg into the pan and watch it as it turns white. I see John place a few plates on the opposite side of the stove of the eggs and I thank him again. He nods in response and comes up behind me to rest his head on my shoulder. "Isn't that uncomfortable pretty boy?" I say noticing he's more slumped over to reach my height, he shakes his head no and turns his head into my neck. I blush as I pick the egg up and put it onto a plate John put out before cracking another onto the pan.

John wraps his arms around my waist and I feel him pull me closer to him. "John I can't make food with you like this" I complain, "who can't make eggs?" He mocks me, "good point" I mock him back. Only to feel a quick kiss on the side of my neck causing me to jump. "Asshole," I say to him, only receiving a chuckle back. I take the egg off of the pan and put it on the same plate, having to reach further because of John holding me. "I can barely reach the plates, fuck you" I tell him, "when and where, babe?" he responds, "not the response I was looking for retard." I say, "Well, that's too bad, isn't it sweetheart," I sigh, "okay fuckboy." "Wow I don't even get a 'honey' or anything?" he asks, "nope! You'll get one when you let go," I respond. "Well... looks like I'll have to settle with fuckboy."


Ah shit I'm so bad at updating but I'm working on a schedule!

I hope you enjoyed it.💕

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