["At Least Out Loud"]

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[Y/N P.O.V.]

"at least out loud.. I won't say I'm in.. love"


I sat up from laying in bed, excited to see John again. It's an hour before I see him and I have been ready for about 45 minutes. I pull out my phone to distract myself for the time being. I pull up YouTube and watch CallMeCarson's twitch highlights playlist.

I laugh at few of the jokes him and his friends make and after 3 videos I check the time, still excited to see him. Finally the time had come to where I could head out to see John. I put his address into my phone as I walk to my car.

As I got in the car I shot John a text to tell him I was on my way.

[Pretty Girl]
I'll see you shortly!

I start driving following the directions to his house and I soon arrive at my destination. I hop out of the car walk to his doorstep and knock lightly on his door.

I hear footsteps approach the door and stop as it opens. I smile and him to which he does the same. He opens his door wider and beckons me to come in. I walk in the door and I wait for him to close the door.

As he closes the door he turns to me, "hello again Pretty Girl" He says with a wink. I laugh a little and smile at him, "Hello again Pretty Boy." I wink back at him playfully and he ask, "so what are we going to do today?" I smile and reply, "before we get to that, can I have a hug Pretty Boy?" He thinks for a moment before replying, "what's in it for me?" I laugh a little, "we can do whatever you want today, and you get a hug from 'pretty girl.'" He thinks about it once more and opens his arms, I hug him and really see and feel how he is much taller than I, being 5'6 and him being 6'1 really didn't feel as different till now.

I let go and smile at him, "what's the plan for today Pretty Boy?" He shoves his hands in his pockets. "How about we.. watch a movie then go out and hang at a park or something?" he suggests. I nod and move out of his way "lead the way."

He smiles and leads me to his living room, "here we are." I smile at him and look around his home that's in view. "What are we watching Pretty Boy?" I ask him. "How about Hercules? It's my favorite cartoon movie." He responds. I nod and get excited being that he liked one of my favorite cartoon movies as well. I walk to the couch and lay across it, I look up to see John looking down at me with hands on his hips.

"Yes?" I ask with a smile.

"I need to sit down too" he says. I lift my head up and signal him to sit there so I could rest my head on his thigh. He sighs and sits down and I get comfortable on his thigh. I look up at him and smile happily as he looks down at me and rolls his eyes with a small smile. He loads up the movie and takes out his vape pen. "You vape?" I ask and he replies with a nod. I put my hand out asking for it so I could take a hit from it. He takes a hit and looks at me questioningly, "really?" I nod as he gives it to me.

I breath in the fruity vapor and blow it in his face. I smile as the white vapor fades away and I see him looking down at me with a slight glare which quickly fades as the vapor clears. I direct my attention to the screen and listen to the muses sing about the story, lip syncing along with the songs.

Throughout the movie I would look up at John only to look away with a slight blush when he looked back at me. I would sometimes catch him looking at me which made me smile a little bit. As "I won't say I'm in love" played I couldn't help but yell the words and put a bit more emotion to it by messing with John.

At one point I sat up on my elbow and placed my hand on his chest while still speaking the lyrics. He tensed at first bet then relaxed and laughed a little, blush grazing his cheeks. At the end of the song I slowly let myself fall back onto his lap saying, "at least out loud.. I won't say I'm in.. love." I draw out the "e" as I laugh at the end and look up at John. "You do to much" he says with a light chuckle as he takes his arm from under me and places it on my stomach for a more comfortable position.

We watch the rest of the movie in a comfortable silence and after the movies over he looks down at me. "Ready for the park?"


Hope you liked it 💕

Time to go on a 10 day trip without my phone!

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