Chapter 23

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(SOTD~ Genie in a bottle by Christina Aguilera)

Harry's Pov

"I need to get out of here some how."

"Come with me."

I followed Johnny to the equipment sheds. Behind there stood Ross who was smoking a cigarette. "Ross can you help us? Harry needs to get out of here." 

"Why should I?"

"Please i'll do anything I just need to get out of here." 

"Fine when you hear one of the first years shout that someone has been hurt, go by the maze and climb over the small wall."


Ross stubbed out his cigarette and sauntered off. "Come on lets go to the maze." Johnny took my hand and we ran across the camp to the maze. 

"Keep watch for me alright." Johnny gave me a thumbs up.

"MISS SHANE HAS BEEN  HURT PLAYING RUGBY!" Someone shouted in the distance. Johnny nodded at me and I hoisted myself up and over the fence. 

I ran around to the front of the camp and sat on the bank waiting for Mark.


About an hour later I found myself sat in Mark's car. "Thank you for picking me up."

"It's fine, why are you at camp anyway?"

"My father sent me there, it's a camp that turns people straight."

"That's messed up."

"I know."

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone you're staying with us."

"You and Jay are amazing, how is Louis?"

"He's getting there but he does get tired out quickly."

"Will he be okay though?"

"The nurse said he will make a full recovery."

"That's good, do they know who did it?"

"Not yet but they're talking to everyone who has something against Lou, so they are talking to-"

"-my dad." I looked down at my feet.

"I'm sorry Harry."

"It doesn't matter."


"Well here we go." Mark stopped the car and we climbed out.

"Don't you have any stuff with you?"

"No I thought it would be too risky to sneak it all out."

"Oh okay." 

Mark let us in. "We're home!" 

"I'm in the living room!" Louis shouted back. Mark took me through to the living room where Louis was lay on the sofa watching drag race. A smile formed on my lips when I saw him. "Hey Hazza."


"I'm going to let you two catch up, if your mum comes back tell her i've gone to get some fish and chips." 

Mark went into the hallway, "LOTTIE COME GET DINNER WITH ME!" Lottie came running down the stairs. "Hey Harry."

"Hey Lottie." She grabbed her coat and closed the front door behind her and Mark.

"You can sit down you know." I moved over to an armchair and gently sat down. Louis paused the tv. "How are you?"

"As best as I can be after being hit by a car."

"I'm sorry if it was my father."

"It's not your fault." 

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." 

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