Past. first love

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Sidhart POV.

Today I was very angry on that girl.

What is her name...flower girl

She..she bumped me today. And didn't know who I was it made me furious




*one tear falls from sids eye....*

She shouldn't look like my princess...

                         Flashback .


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Someone: Hii~~

Sid: oh..hi.....

Someone: you look sad. Is everything okay?.

 Is everything okay?

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Sid: I....I'm.. fine

Someone: you don't have to lie to me.
  My name Is avneet.  I'm.

Sid: princess.!

Someone: hahaha...yeah !

Sid : nice you meet you princess (bows)

Avneet: (bows) nice to meet you too.

Sid: my name is sidhart nigam.

Avneet: ohhh . Nice name btw.

Sid: (blushing) .t..thanks ..p..princess

Avneet: hehe it's okay.

Sid: let's be friends

Avneet: no.

Sid: oh ok....

Avneet: (hugs him) let's be BESTFRIENDS !!!

Sid: (smiles) sure .

Avneet: ok now tell me what's wrong?

Sid: I... I miss my mom..

Avneet: oh....

Sid: she left me..

Avneet: oh I'm sorry....

Sid: no no she is alive, she left to US.

Avneet: oh ..ok..she will come back.

Sid: (mumbles) you won't know the sadness of not having a mom by your side.

Avneet: I know....(sad tone)... I lost my mom one month before..... she can't even come back.

Sid: (think that he shouldn't have said that)... no I'm sorry for saying so....I didn't knew...

Avneet: its okay~~ let's go and play?

Sid: play? We are in between a ceremony.....

Avneet: hahaha you forgot I'm princess?

Sid: sorry ~~

Avneet: it's okay let's go to my room I have a lots of games.

Sid: really!!

Avneet: yes!!

Sid: btw....( hugs avneet) thank you for making me happy again!.

Avneet: it's my pleasure my prince!

Sid: I'm....I'm not a prince

Avneet: For me you are!

(They went to avneets room and played video games and talked, laughed alot)

Sid : princess promise me you will be with me forever!?.

Avneet: yeah sure pinky promise??

Sid: pinky promise

Sid: pinky promise

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Sid: ( I like her).....

Avneet: (I like him)..

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