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Sana: hey.

(And everything goes black)

Sid pov.

I open my eyes but my head feels dizzy..

Everything around me is in the shades of black and grey mists. I can't see properly. My vision is blurred.

All I can feel is cold breeze of the wind.

It's kinda comforting

That's when'
The pain strikes me.
My body hoes numb as a wave of pain guesses down my spine
The only thing I can feel is pain rn.

My head hurts.

My hands? I can't... idk everything is blurry

As I slowly gain my memory back. I see.. my room?

But it doesn't feel like my room. Everything around me shattered and peices of glass can be seen on the floor.

My hands hurt.

Ugh..I struggle.

As I see

My hands are tied and I'm tied?

I realize as I'm trying to adjust to my surroundings and trying to understand what's happening around me.

Where am I??...

I say.. it's my room. But it's not same..

I shook my head
Ughhh.. I groan

I remember what happened I went to go get some water and... princess hit me?

No... she would not do that and.. why am I tied ?

Princess oh yeah.. I panic and try and find her figure around the room my eyes checking every corner of the room.

And then I see her. Sitting on the edge of the bed.

I look around to see princess doing something.  But I can't figure out what because my vision is blurred

She isn't in my white shirt anymore. She is wearing my hoodie and my pants? (Extra pants)


I try and talk but my mouth is tied aswell.

She's... what is...

She's eating pancakes.


Hello well.. yeah this is the author.











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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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